Bhagavad-Gítá or the sacred lay ; a colloquy between Krishna and Arjuna on divine matters : an episode from the Mahabharata, стр. 13


MSS. It is, however, so loudly demanded by the sense, and the change of @ to q is so slight, that I do not hesitate in adopting it. मुक्तः when used absolutely, without anything depending on it, can have no other meaning than that of «finally emancipated,’ which is evidently not intended here. Schlegel translates it ‘exsoluti,” which gives no clue to the sense. Wilkins has, «freed from the bonds of action,’ but I am not aware of any authority for the words supplied; while Galanos, followmg probably some recent scholiast, gives dma6iys. The translators thus seem to have hurried past the word, on which they were evidently not very clear, as quickly as possible. The change of @ to q would remove all difficulty, and the translation would be what I have given it.

Chap. V., shl. 21: q:q@ for यत्‌ सुखं. The latter is the common reading, but in spite of this and the able defence of it made by Schlegel, I confess the construction seems to me so refined and unusual; and the absence of the usual balance of the relative and independent sentence so harsh, that I cannot refrain from adopting the suggestion which Schlegel has made only to discountenance.

Chap. VIL, shl. 29 : जन्ममर णएमोत्ताय °" जरामरणएमो कषाय.
