Bhagavad-Gítá or the sacred lay ; a colloquy between Krishna and Arjuna on divine matters : an episode from the Mahabharata, стр. 14


In this correction I am supported only by the translation of Galanos. Liberation from birth and death, is liberation from the necessity of regeneration. Mere freedom from the pains of old age might be obtained in the heavens of the deities, just as well as by final emancipation.

Chap. IX, shl. 7: @tfaat for araay- This correction is supported by Lassen in a note on the word, and I cannot understand why it was not draughted into the text, or at least ranked among the Errata.

Chap. XIV., shl. 23: अनुतिष्ठति णः अवतिद्धति. See Lassen’s note on this word.

Chap. XVIII., shl. 43: qaqa for ata wa. This is the reading of the Paris MS. B.; and No. 4, both text and Scholia, ot the London MSS. It is better, as corresponding to ब्रह्मकमं im the preceding shloka. Schlegel approves it in his note, but does not adopt it in the text.

Chap. XVIII, shl. 71: मुक्तो ऽ्टभाल्लोकान. for मुक्तः बभा ल्लोकान. This is a conjecture of my own. The passage, as it stands in the vulgar reading, must be translated, « Even he, being finally emancipated, may attain to the good regions of the

upright doers.’ These regions, however, are those of the gods: