Chinese and Sumerian

GU,GUE (GWE 2), a bird a D33). Also read MU- SHEN = MU-TIN, bird. Vid. Leoc.

RI, RIG, Dl, DIG, to Fly, ofa bird} to blow, of the wind} a blast BY] D440). Vid. Lex.

SIM, SIN Gindintzz), the stwall ory the bird of fake. Also read NAM, fate, decision of the gods, will of Heaven; the destiny or fortunes of men as so appointed and caused. NAM-TAR, “Fatedecider”, the Plague- demon.

CY D42)

KUN , to be brgnete shine (SE DEO) .

(2) read GAD,GUD, rod of authority, sceptre or baton G=E D66).

EN, IN, lord; king = UN, MUN, GUN. (2 D341). Pictogram: ahand holding a rod whi, or the like symbol of power.

DUG, TUKU, to take, hold, get (T= D301F). A hand ho a weapon ? (Cf D299F.)

BAD, MAG, the eye; /wo values of the pictogram (<}D238). (Q SHI, this, that, the selfsame (SHI = NE,NI). (>).

UD, UTU, UG, sun; day («47 D234).

(BAR, PAR, BABBAR CBARBAR), white; bright; the sun

GY). (@).TAM, TAN. CAT).

TAR, avalue of the knifepictogram; ee pales DI23y

(Q).TIM, another valure oh the same 0x). Cognate SHUM, to slaughter.

niu (nyu,nqu?), niau, liau, ngia, a Bea” A re tau, creer etc. R96. (2). Cf. also yen, in,tin?; kin '” WCC) eG hird- symbol, obs. i sense ):


liauliau, li-k,lo-k, P763, Flying high; soaring, 14; twind blowing: a blast, gale, or steady breeze

WA- ( Primitive figure,no ~ doubt, that of a flying or s. btrd, altered to wings above streaming hair = tail feathers 2)

in, yen, ing, tin, P99T, a swallow (tin = sin) (gH) Jd

nan, T4, adversities, calamities, misfortunes; sent by Heaven (Tien chi fang nan, Shi Ilii.X.2); such as floods, pestilence, famine,etc. Cf. no,na,na-n, fo exor* cise fhedemons cwhich pestilence; no-shén

=til } the gods of the pestilence Ce)

puupanote of metals (BD. Jee

mers, Il7.

kwei, kwwai, kewa-t, nga-t (PP239; 410; 421), a short bafon or sceptre. (Symbol wwertedand doubled.) &). x ,yun, ruler, governor (gin, 279); Gy). Fict.of a hand Roldt. a Todor like. G&. kitin, kwén, kun, sovereign, ruler, G3269. chou, chu, Hiu,tu-k, P83, the second of the twelve Branches

GB). A hand @ weapon? Chalmers 9/.

muk, mu, mok, boku, the eye (E]) tze, chi, chi, zi, self; oneself (8). yét, nayitnik, sun; day (El).

pak, pai, ba, bak, twhite; bright

(&)- (pak= pat) ran, tang, dawwn, day (2).

tau, to-t, knife, R18 (J]).

Zén , zim, djin, nin,edge, blade, knife, etc. ]). to kill, slatughrer.