Chinese and Sumerian

i] SUMERIAN LINEAR SCRIPT CHINESE KU WEN FORMS eres erent o | no. 87. Or LES urd (Uke wnerian, bent in at the middle). (5). if Mah peng, pel pen, bang, aston othe old Chinese archers used abow bent in atthe centre” Fdkanus

uk, pu, pauk, bu, poh, pok, boku, fo divine, cas a

PIG, also read SIG, roeaks eee i nee: D256). (Sun- symb . 39, Uwerted.)

(ERIN, (ERIM, boxoman, epee ee dier (ay D173). Cf. no.4+-. a ures bow + stri hands sot) ol

PAN CBAN=GAN; cf GAM, to bow, bend). (<2=7 “Dll8). M6854.

per ure of a LituiLs ee ee atte C ey kung, kong, kom, R57, a bow ng Uke the

P460, bang, bam, ban, i

ow = Jum.

GAM, to bow), bend. CX DI2I: Ci cree DIi8; 173.) Originally a ichire of a strung bow. Uf, yuk, yet, get-, qwat-, nailet, Hl Boos ante R7+ CAD.

45 ITU, ITI, CID,UD), Cf GUD, B (XS) bright, vane) He on; a (C h Seneca

tsai, chai, tsa, J. sai, tsar, tsit,


woh wer; Wwe) R140, plants; yegelation pp): Zu, yép, zai, to go in,enter (A). fo enter ([.< D heal

46 SAR, SHAR, SHER, growin Y Y y things; reens; herbage: penis. re ae zhit, shit, P768, plants; vegetation; el (py DIS: 152). Nee ii. ae ier : = MA, MU" se See el gs ve & Shwoh wen: pe hui,

herbs; edible. Cee, grass tsau, tsou, chau, fs‘, cho, fso-F, “all sorts of plants”.) “nN 5 ZN SHU, SHUSH, pay to goin, ]

ka, kwo, ku-F, PI72,R97, gourds, cucumbers, melons the like


irae, attumbers, ei Ce = 905)

DUB, vB DIG, 1 TEGI), toh up earth TAB: double:

DAB, "BiB US, ia up: vid . Also 5385.5 ‘DAG, add to.)

DI, syn.of Sl, to be straight, and travis. to make or set right or areal; in Be Phrase S\-DI,

S| eerir DS, idl. also adj andnom| upright, Haste a governor 33 and 47) Ci

Pictogram: an eye with the prominent = Lookt or taoideg BCaiGt ahead. thts exye-symbo! ts polyphonic and. besides DI i read. SA,SAL,SIM,SI-LIM,SIR. The gen.idea. is looking at or into a thing ; heruce examining, judging, consulting, deciding, setiling, etc. See Lex. 5.0. SA GAN), counsel; SI-LIM, right state, welfare, peace.

typ. tyt, tiek, tiap, deh, dah, to louble, olds pile up (2a). Luh-shir Cin 7 kujmen ki Fzt.

chih, chik, ch‘, sik, tik, Fih, dzi, P4ll' dik, straight; upright; ‘direct; to be orgo straight, ard travs., to set straight; that which leads or directs, etc. (/ (2.6 ).6 pee wen: ching -kien yé, ht” or “looking ahead”. yc Cre! 3 supra.

The corresponding Chinese Fngut ¢ vid Lex. ee now dis ULS, Bi Use O, = Jerent Phonetics; but eet dy obscures their etiymological relation to the Sumertan terms.