Chinese calligraphy : an introduction to its aesthetic and technique : with 6 plates and 155 text illustratons


advertisement characters, 116 Ancient Script, see Ku-Wén architecture, Chinese, 214-17 Arp, Hans, 108

Babylonian script, 36

Bacchylides MS., 3

‘ Battle Array of the Brushes’, see PiChén-T‘u Beaumont, Cyril W., 193

“Book of Calligraphy, The’ (by OuYang Hsiin), 187

‘ Book of Changes, The’, see I-Ching

Borrowed Characters, see Chia-Chieh

Breton, André, ‘ What is Surrealism ?? 109

bronzes, Chinese, 211, 212, Plate VI

brush movement, see Yiin-Pi

brush pen, Chinese, 126, 137-8

handling of, 138-44 Brush Treatment, see Yung-Pi

Carlo, Blasis, 127 Categories of characters, 16, 25-33 Chia-Chieh (Borrowed Characters), 255 32-3 Chth- Shih (Indicative Symbols), 25, 27 Chuan-Chu 31-2 Hsiang (Images), 25-6

‘Code of Terpsichore’,

(Reciprocating), 25,

Categories of characters (continued) Hstang-Hsing (Imitative Figures), 25-6, 33 Hsing- Sheng (Phonetic Comp ounds), 25, 27-9 Hui-I (Logical Combinations), 25, "29-31, 109 Tzu (Compound Figures), 25 Wén (Simple Figures), 25 Cathay Publishers, Shanghai, Collection of, 57, 58, 64, 66, 87, 102, 103, 124, Plate II, Plate V Chang, Han Emperor, 93, 151 Chang Chih, 94, 203 Chang-Chih-Pieh, 157, 163 Chang Hei-Nii, epitaph of, 194 Chang Hsii, 127, 204 Chang-Kou, 160 Chang Lai-Kung, Collection of, Nanking, x, 65, 71, 76, 79, 91 Chang-Shu-Pieh, 158 Chang-Tiao, 159 Chang-Tiao-Cho, 133 Chang-Tien, 153 Chang Ting-Hsiang, 222 Chang Ts‘ao, see Styles Chang Yii-Chao, x, 76 Chao Chih-Ch‘ien, 56, 79, 11 §, 118, I2I, 219 Chao-I, 183 Chao Meng-Fu, 68, 85, 118, 123, 166, 204, 218

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