Chinese calligraphy : an introduction to its aesthetic and technique : with 6 plates and 155 text illustratons


Ch'ti-Pao-Tien, 153 Chu Sui-Liang, 68 Chii-T ‘ou, 156 Ch'ti-T ‘ou-Na, 159 Ch'ti-T ‘ou-Pieh, 157 Chu Yiin-Ming, 100 Clerical Style, see Li-Shu Commercial Press, Shanghai, Collec_ tion of, 95, 201 Compound Figures, see Tzit Confucius, 204 Conduct of Life, 92, 205

Dot strokes, 112, 153-5 (see also Strokes)

Egyptian ancient script, 36-7, 109

“Eight Components of the Character “ Yung,” 151-2

“Eight Defects, The’, see Pa-Ping

Fan-Na, 159

Fen-Chien, 167-9, 186

Feng-Chth-Kou, 161

Féng-Chii-Tieh, Plate III

Feng Hung-Chang, 124

Féng Wu, 222

“ Fifteen Essays on the Great Seal >, 41

“Fine Art of Chinese Calligraphy, Essay on the’, 193, 203

Five-Character Method of Brushholding, see Yeh-Ya-Kou-TiehFu Flying Grass Style, see Ts‘ao-Shu

“ Four Books, The’, see Szu-Shu

“Four Treasures of the Room of Literature’, see Wén-Fang-SzuPao Fu-Hsi, 18-20

Fu-Kai, 179

Grass Style, see Ts‘ao-Shu Great Seal Style, see Ta-Chiian

‘ Han-Ch't-Shu-Fa-Tung-Chieh?, 222

Han dynasty, 33-5> 42, 595 60, 80, 935 94, 105, 135, 167, 207, 218

Han Mu, 222

Han Yui, 46

Heng, see Strokes

Heng-Hua, 155

Heng-Kou, 160

Ho-K‘é-Chieh-Piao, 68

Ho Liang-Chiu, 222

Hook Stroke, 160-2, see also Strokes

Ho Shao-Chi, 57, 77, 81, 88, 194, 195

Ho-Szu-Tien, 155

Hsiang, see Categories

Hsiang-Hsing, see Categories

Hsiang-Fang, 177-9

Hsiang-Pet, 176

Hsiang-Shang-Tien, 154

Hsiang-Tso-Tien, 153

Hsiang- Yu-Kou, 162

Hsiang- Yu-Tien, 153

Hstao-Chiian, see Styles

Hsiao- Yao-Fu, 75

Hs: Chou, Duke of Chii, 47

Hsi-Hsia calligraphy, 38-40

Hsing-Sheng, see Categories

Hsing-Shu, see Styles

Hsi-P‘ing Doctrine, 62

Hsi-Tieh, 162

Hsi-Tzti-T ‘a, §

Hsiian brush-play, 144, 197

Hsiian-Chen, 156

Hsiian-Chih, 202

Hsiian, Emperor, 4I

Hsiian-Ho-Shu-Pu’, 221

Hstian-Pi Pagoda, 72

Hsiian-Wan, 142-3

sii brush-play, 144, 197

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