Chinese Journal of Physiology

TABLE 2.—(Concluded) (b) Ephetonin injected first

| | Tnereases in nasal volume ‘ Increases in blood pressure serie Order of x — - —— SS a = ar :

ae | injections | | After 3 |2, Ephedrine] 1. Ephetonin| Maximal After 3 |2. Ephedrine] 1. Ephetonin | min. [1. Ephetonin|2. Ephedrine effect min, |, Ephetonin| 2. Ephedrine


0.2 Dog &, 10.9 kg mun* mar | | mm Hg mm Hg 1, Ephetonin = —_ = _— 24

8 1.67 0,60 2. Ephedrine 25 21 | 40 22 8 4

3. Ephetonin V7 13 28 |

0,17 Dog 3, 11.6 kg 1, Ephetonin 37 28 1.24 0,80 16

| 2, Ephedrine | 46 40 18 8

3. Ephetonin 36 28 16 6

02 | Dog 2,87 kg |

1, Ephetonin | 26 16 | 1,42 0.70 14 6 ' 1,00 1.00

2. lphedrine 37 od | 14 14

| 3 Ephetonin | 18 | IL | 12 10


1.18 0.89

ca | | eyes (a) 0.76 (a) 2.08 (a) 0.53

(b) 1.33 (b) 0.75 (b} 1.27 (b) 0.83