Chinese Journal of Physiology

64 _ H.C. CHANG anp T, P, FENG

animal is under-nourished the effect will be an acceleration tending to the optimal, i.e., the normal, while if the animal be already normal, the effect will tend away from the optimal towards depression or retardation.


The influence of thyroid on hair growth in normally and partially fed animals


Ageat| Body weight | Days for

. | Animal | pan No. and | Experimental condition pee Foe | een sees | ment | Initial | Final after shaving \ | | | | days gm gm cw | 1é¢ Control | 89 | is7 | 228 21 ” | 137 | 2al 267 27 ” | 255 | 298 290 | 28 a | 288 296 | 296 | 30 | | | | | | | 23 el Control 89 188 | 231 21 | 2.2 gm thyroid 1387 | 289 179 52+ Thyroid discontinued 179 asd 2 Control | 290 302 305 20 |) 288 | 308 | = | 28

0.71 gm thyroid

Cc 1+ 1 Control 2 | 41838 139 25 | 2.2 gm thyroid 141 133 108 2+ | Thyroid discontinued | 108 158 39 29 Control 112 143 152 2] : | 141 | 153 | 178 3 | | cl7 | 12 Control 102 | 146 | 179 | 47 | Partial feeding +0.62 | | gm thyroid | 188 131 134 | 20 Partial feeding +0.59 | ek gm thyroid | 224 | 162 106 19 | 29 Control | 102 134 142 | 14 Partial feeding 188 122 164 24 . . 224 166 144 32 == P9!]1¢ Control 98 129 140 29 | Partial feeding 128 | 140 | Ill 71+ | | 2 3 Control 27 Partial feeding +0.5 : gm thyroid 28