Chinese Medical Journal, 01. 01. 1956., стр. 94
Histological Study of the Dermal Elastic Tissue of the Skin from Regions a Little above the Glabella and Upper Part of the Medial Side of the Thigh Ma Chung-Kwei
A a of ee Formation of the Ansa ee and Its Variations . a Wang Yung-Hao
Acid and Alkaline Phosphatase in the pee of Mouse Vibrissae . 2) Sep aPoos Yu Hwei- Chu
Eee pe eee Bee ae Se Be Be aie
Relation of the Posterior Semicircular Canal with the Posterior Superior Surface of the Pyramid of the Temporal Bone in Chinese . = A Tsou Ning-Sung, Chiu Chi-Ming and Chiang Enge Chi
The Occurrence of the Epiteric Bone and the Frontotemporal Process in the Chinese Skull. . .. . . . Szu Chi-Luan and Chang Ping-Ch’ang
An Observation on the Sutures between the Squamous Portion of the Temporal Bone and Its Surrounding Bones in the Chinese Cranium . . Hsti Fu-Nan
Development of the Shoulder of Opossum, Didelphys Virginiana, in Relation to -Origin of Limb Musculature. . ... . . . . =-- Cheng Cse-Ching
ACTA ANATOMIA SINICA (in Chinese), Vol. 1, No. 2, 1954.
The Origin of Newly Formed Epidermal Cells during the Process of WoundHealing of the Rabbit's Har. . .... =. =. +. . . Ma Wen-Chao
Tnterocepions in the Endometrium of the Rabbit’s Uterus . Tcheng ‘Kuo- Tehang
Influence of Starvation on the Distribution of Phosphatases, Glycogen and
Ribonucleic Acid in the Mouse Liver coe 8 & fe DoS ee ee . Cheng Chen-E and Chen Hsiao-Mei Histological Observations on the Growth of Long Bones in the Mice See ee ee rcs eT fdas SRS Ting -Chao- Ling The Nerve Cells in the Medulla and the Innervation in the Cortex of Rat Adrenal Gland . . ... . . . . Chang Shih-Ho and Yii Hwei-Chu
Histochemical Observations on the Nuclei of Pacinian Corpuscles . . Chao Chung- iehang
Notes on the Development and Evolution of the Fore-Limb . ely ME: Tue Ss. CO Cheng Cze-Ching Anatomy of the Reproductive System of the Mule. . . . Cheng Pei-Lieu
A Srey of the Mental Foramen in the Chinese Wang Yung-Hao, Oong Chia- “Ying fare Wang a2 Ming
A Study of the Mental and Mandibular Foramen in the Chinese . . , Chang . Ping- Ch’ ang
On the Type of the Epiteric Bone in the Chinese Cranium . Shao Shang-Ching and Chan Shane Ching
Some Statistical Studies on the Variations of the Arm Muscles in the Chinese Li Mo-Lin
The Projection of the Sigmoid Sulcus on the Outer Surface of the Skull . : Ns . Tsou Ning-Sung and Ling Hong-Yi
Human Nasal Index and Apertures in Relation to Some Climatic Conditions Based on 494 Chinese Crania. . .. ... . . . Wang Shih-Chun Thyroid Tissue in the Tunica Externa of a Human Aorta. . . Tsou En-Ming
Modification of Methyl Green-Pyronin Technic for Differential Stain of Nucleic INL Vs ik Boa in ce le lM | NRG SORE
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