Chinese Medical Journal, 01. 01. 1956., стр. 93
AS Design: for anwblectrice Cure = 2. ec went tennn ren tse Tai P’ei-Wei
Some Experiences with Shell Crowns ... Department of “Stomatology, manent! Fosnita
Some Conclusions Drawn from the Discussion of Shell Crowns . Municipal Stomatological Hospital of ering
CHINESE JOURNAL OF NEUROLOGY AND PSYCHEATRY (in Chinese), Vol. 1955. Control and Treatment of Motor Excitement in Mental Cases. . A. M. Cherkov
An Analysis of Complications during Insulin Shock Treatment . : . Chu Han-Ying and Wang Chie “Yuan
Prolonged Coma in Insulin Shock Therapy . . . . . . . Mo Kan-Ming Management of Allergic Reactions to Insulin: . . . . . Lung Shih-Chao
The Problem of Shock Treatment among Mental Patients with Pulmonary Tuberculosis . . . . . Fu Ya-Ko, Li Hua-Teh and Chin Chih-Chiu
The Effect of Caffeine in the Treatment of Petit Mal. . . . Hsia Yu-Fen
Neurologic Complications of Acute Carbon Monoxide Poisoning : Wang Wei-Tseng and Chai Srue T’a0
Neurofibroma of the Spinal Cord... . .... . =. =. =. «. Li Ta-Nien txrtraduraleGyst 2s ue er ae ee Chie Hansving Whooping Cough Encephalitis. . . . Wang Wei-Tseng and Suei Chia-Ch%i Progressive Hemihypertrophy of Face... . . . . . Cheng P%-Shun
Encephalomyelitis following Antirabic Vaccination . . . Li Hsi-K’un, Hu Chih- Chi rel Chin Tse- Tou
A Device to Facilitate Lumbar Puncture. .... . . Tsou Hsien-Juei
Cerebrospinal Fluid Rhinorrhea . Clinical Dainologieal Confere ence, Departments of Newrorsgy and Payenintry and Pathology of Shanghai First Medical College ACTA ANATOMIA SINICA (in Chinese), Vol. 1, No. 1, 1953.
The Effect of Crude Soybean Lecithin on the Macrophages in the Subcutane-
ous Tissue of Rabbit's Har. . . ... . =. =. . +. +. Ma Wen-Chao The Striae Medullares of the Fourth Ventricle as Related to the Nucleus Purovenues 5 6 6 o b of 5.6 5,90 bdo o Oo. pee seep MARC eee Innervation of the Atrioventricular Node of the Heart. . . . K. T. Tcheng In Vivo Action of Ribonuclease on Mouse Liver Cells. . . . Li Chao-T’eh
Acid and Alkaline Phosphatases in the Early Development of Mouse Embryos Chang Tso-Kan
The Degeneration and Regeneration of the Adrenal Cortex in the Cat after Tayly ng ek ge 8 ee os 8 ce be eee oe OD Chia-Kwei
Some Statistical Studies on the Variations of the Muscles of the Shoulder in (Es cnn eee el VIO IL 077
The Change of Direction of the Mental Foramen and Mental Nerve in the Process of Mvolution <=. . 2 =. 1 =. «=. =: «+ = Chang Cha-Li
89 314-315 316 316 1, No. 4, 245-256
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