Chinese Medical Journal, 01. 01. 1956., стр. 92


CHINESE JOURNAL OF RADIOLOGY (in Chinese), Vol. 3, No. 4, 1955. Let Science Serve the Welfare of Mankind: In Memory of the Sixtieth

Anniversary of the Discovery of X-Ray by W.C. Roentgen . . Lan Pao-Sen Problems on the Early Treatment of Malignant Tumors . . Hsieh Chih-Kuang Early Roentgen Signs of Bronchogenic Carcinoma . . . . Wang Shao-Hsun

aoe THEE SES of Avascular Necrosis of the Epiphysis of the Head of Femur é . Li Kuo-Chen, Chang Teh-Ling and Tsou Ch’iu-Shui

An ae Case of Giant Cell Tumor of the Bone. . . . . Li Kuo-Chen

Discography: A Preliminary Report . Yang Ch’eng-Jung, Hii Same Kan and ean Ch an Teh

An Analysis of 90 Cases of Paragonimiasis of the Lung . . . Chu Teh-Ch’iu X-Ray Diagnosis of Paragonimiasis of the Lung with an Analysis of 25 Cases

Shen Ch%, Feng Liang, Wu Hsiieh-Chun, Wu Kung-Liang and Ch’en Tzu-Ta An Analytical Study of Roentgen Manifestations of the Lung in 37 Cases of ~Paragonimiasis . . Yuan Hsin-Chao, Li Shu-Ch’in and Chae Kuang-Yti

Hand-Schiiller-Christian Disease: Report of 2 Cases . Wang Yung-Sheng, Yii T’ien-Shen andl Wang easyer

Hand-Schiiller-Christian Disease: Report of a Case . . . Wang Shou-Ch’eng, Chia Chen-Ying ene Che en Yas Chi

Views of Soviet Authors on Aseptic Necrosis of the Bones . . Wang Chiin-Yeh

A New Device for Kymography in Portable Units . . . © wake . Chang Ching-Liang an Chang Vi- Chung

A Curve for Measuring the Target-to-Film Distance of the Tube in Inclining IROSUUIONS eee eee Ce iene ESC) atl—IMar

CHINESE JOURNAL OF STOMATOLOGY (in Chinese), Vol. 3, No. 4, 1955. Development of Stomatology in Traditional Chinese Medicine . . Lee T’ao

A Discussion on the Etiology of Parodontal Diseases from the Viewpoint of Pavlovismenecoryiins Esme leunen SalenPan en CHangmMo-Taen

Bone Graft to the Mandible: A Preliminary Report of Twenty-Seven Cases . SCRE Cas | om TONS ake. Sn -erg et ege anenrs Lung Che-San A Preliminary Report on Cervical Block ae aes in Maxillofacial Surgery: An Analysis of 100 Cases . . . . . Wang Han-Chang

Cystic Tumors of the Jaw: Aeaip ican sae of 100 Cases . " . Li Hsueh-Hsiang and Chin Tuane ua

Alveoloplasty of the Mandible. . ... . . . . .°. . Wu T’ing-Ch'un.

True Anklylosis of the Temporomandibular Joint 4 Wang Shu-Tze an Chang Erh- Ts’ ane

Hemangioma of the Mouth, Jaws and Face. . Ch’ti eae Yeh “aul Tseng Hsiang: “Huei

Removal of Fractured Roots with Elevators. . . . . . . Shen Fang-Ch’t

The Mouth of Primitive Man in China. . . . . . .. . Chou Tsung-Ch%t A Report on the Study of the Central ae in the Occlusal Surface of Bicu-

Roky Soy el a 6 oy ee Se Se oe ees | Witt eKng-Teao The Use of Agar-as Material for Taking Impressions . . . Huang P’ei-Che

The Method of Soldering Orthodontic ee Made of Stainless Steel . : . " wots : Huang Chin-Fang

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