Chinese Medical Journal, 01. 01. 1956., стр. 91



Preliminary ae on Treatment of Atrophic Rhinitis Caused by Leprosy oe Chu Chii- O

Fatality au to Latynveal ‘Reaction Occurring in a Patient with Lepromatous Type of Leprosy 7 ; soe, CC «CKO Pung

A General Survey of Ts in ‘Hsmeniane . . . . eh.) 6Peng Yun-Shan An Epidemiological Analysis and Type Classification of 163 Cases of Leprosy Seen

in Liishun and Dairen. . .:; . . . . Chin Kung and Liu Fu-Ch’ung

An Epidemiological Survey of Bebneey in Shaoshing District . . . Kao Lu, Yao Yii-Ping, Ch’en T’ung and Lin Chia- Hsiu

Clinical Svinpton. of the Three Main Types of Leprosy . . . Liw Mu-Chih

CHINESE JOURNAL OF TUBERCULOSIS (in Chinese), Vol. 4, No. 1, 1956.

Preface t to Surging Tide OTS Socialisys! in China’s Countryside - . . . MAO TSE- TUNG Actively Leading and Organizing the Learning of Traditional Chinese Medicine by Western-Trained Physicians . . . . . . Fu Lien-Chang Study of 40 Cases of Tuberculous Tey ona Treated with Fascial Decortication fan . Ku K’ai-Shih, Wu Sung-Ch’ang and Chao Heng

Clinical Study of 35 Cases of Tuberculous Meningitis in Adults . =

Wei Pei-Hai and Kuo Hsien- Chien

The Use of Massive Doses of INH Together with PAS and Streptomycin in the Treatment of Tuberculous Meningitis in Adults. . . . Ch’en Kuang-T’ien

“Clinical Study of 208 Cases of Tuberculous Pleurisy .

a ss Ho En-Ch’uan and Sa T’eng-San Clinical Study of 80 Cases of Tuberculous Peritonitis in Adults-. -. °. . Chien Yuan-Fu, Hsieh Yi-Jung, Chi Jen-An, Lin Hsiian and Ch’iw Shou-Chen

Affect of Pregnancy on Pulmonary Tuberculosis. . Tsai Ju-Sheng, Li Shu- Sen and ‘Ho Ch’ ange Ch’ ing

Medication for Hernoptysis in Traditional Chinese Medicine . . . . Chu Yen EPuHOSCORIS a as Treatment for Massive Asphyxiant Hemoptysis . : 5 Shao Chang-Jung Atelectasis of the Whole of One Side of the lune Resulting from Hemoptysis Ch’en Ch’ang-Hsin Lemeh Node Reaction to BCG Vaccination and Its UNanagenient Lee iz oat ieee Ch’en Heng, Li Teh-Hung and Chang ch’ ti- “Ping Diagnostic Value of ¢ Sugar Contents of Pleural Fluid. . . . . . Tsai Ch'in Diagnostic Significance of Sugar Contents of Pleural Effusion . . Lu Shao-Lin Chronic Lung Abscess due to Friedlander’s Bacillus: Report of a Case. . | Ping Sheng- Vil Ageretone of Diabetes ae to INH Medication: Report of 3 Cases i Pe: cause Mepes k a teere Iln% Chang Chin- Yuan Air ‘Embolism in a Case of Pregnant Woman Treated with Pneumoperitoneum So Mes Se seco = mn: Yii Po-Jung and Chiang Chih-Tzu Giant Bulla Simulating Spanteecus Pneumothorax . . . . . Sa T’eng-San A Case of Pulmonary Paragonimiasis Several Times Mistaken as Pulmonary Tuberculosis | | + ".0. %. 27. 1%... 2. « Liang Ching Comparison of Three Kinds of Culture Media for the Isolation of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis . . . Cheng Hsiao-P’ing, Ch’en Kuang-Huei, Hsii Tzu-P’eng, Meng Fan-Yii, Chiang Kuo-Ch’uan, Wang Kuei-Lan and Wang Shih-Ch% The Use of Blue Ink in Place of Methylene Blue for Staining Mycobacterium Tuberculosis . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . Wang Hsiian-Tung


58-60 ~

61 62-63


68-73 74-85

20-24 25-28 29-33

34-37 38-39

40-42 43-44 45-48 49-51 52-54

55 56-58

59 60-61
