Chinese Medical Journal, 01. 01. 1956., стр. 90
A Collective Analysis of 385 Cases of Placenta Previa with Emphasis on Maternal and Fetal Mortality . . . . Chinese Union Medical College, Peking Medical College, Central People’s Hospital, Peking Third Municipal Hospital and Peking Municipal Institute for Health of Women and Children
A Discussion on 289 Cases of Placenta Previa in Recent Seven Years. .
Tien Shueh-Ping and Chou Chih- Tang aalysis of 5,354 Cases of Painless Tabor... . .-. . . €hen Wen-Chen Tissue Therapy in aes Ailments: Clinical Observations on 201 Cases
: Tsai Kuei-Ju
A Preliminary Report on Paraffin Therapy for Chronic Pelvie Inflammatory IISERES « cl so oo 6 6 oes Gd oe eee Bee (Clon ae
Hydatidiform Mole: Review of Literature 3 Chiang Sen em Wang P ei- CHEn
Central Placenta Previa a Natural Fenestration. in the Center: Report ofa CHGS co oo, o oe 0 O bo, o Yang Ta-Wang and Han Tsung-Min
CHINESE JOURNAL OF DERMATOLOGY (in Chinese), Vol. 4, No. 1, 1956.
Actively Leading and Organizing the Learning of Traditional Chinese Medicine by Western-Trained Physicians . . . . . . Fu Lien-Chang
Data on Leprosy in Chinese Medical Litersture and Historical Records .
Liu Mu-Chih
Therapeutic Effect “of Tene Herb Medicine on Leprosy .
Chang | ee Ch’ en
Develonnicnt: BE the Leprosy Goutal Campsten in ane Past Five Years
: ca: ; : 2 . Yew Chia- Chun A Dreliniiary epeEt on Thirty Cases of edo Treated with Thiosemicar-
bazone Made in China
: Dermatology eocnmiens ‘Shantung Provincial Second Hospital The ‘Pathology OLMmeDLOSVsene es 2s ee 1 be). 2s Senn viewnEhra-Chum
View on Lepra Reaction from the Standpoint of Pavlov’s Theory .
BD Ss ees peal Gent: Tou tlagie, yt eS Liu. Wu-Ch’u Block Therapy for Lepra Reaction and Lepromatous Ulcers: A Report of 199
306-309 310-316
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(CESSES io ae 2) o ; . . . . Liu Mu-Chih and Kao Pu-Ying Treatment of Lepra Reaction by Novocain Block Therapy: Report of ThirtyINin clLGasecsira enn ciel st cee ao . . . . Lin Wu-Ch'u
Treatment of Lepra Reaction by Block Thebany: Report of Twenty-Four Cases So GILG tas ae! Sars Medical Service of Ch’inghai Leprosarium A Preliminary Revert on Procaine Hydrochloride Block Therapy of Neuralgia in Leprosy .. .- . . . . . . . Ho Tze-Chao and Teng Lien-Yen
The First Twelve Cured Cases of Leprosy at the Shensi People’s Leprosarium . Su Shih-Chun, Teng Yun-Shan,
Chu Ping-Shen, Hu Chih- Ching, ‘Chiang Kuang-Ming and Li Ling-Yiieh 37-40
Eight Cases of pea. Cured by Sulphetrone and Chaulmoogra Oil Treatment . Liu Yi-Min and Hsii Chih-Chii
Observations on Complement Fixation Test for Leprosy
Liu Ch’un-Lin ‘and Ti Tsai-Lien.
neon Months’ Trial with Tebethion in the Treatment of Leprosy
. Liu Mu-Chih and Kao Pueving
Report ‘of eee Three Cases ise ueiley Treated with Tebethion
. Faculty of Department of Dermatology, Shantung Medical College
Two Relapse Cases of Leprosy due to Insufficient Sulfone Treatment
Theatifient of teper’é ‘mire Téstons ,
Chang Nan Yeh Ho-T’ing
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