Chinese Medical Journal, 01. 01. 1956., стр. 89
eee eee
The Problem of Srentlbesnthents samen the Use of Chloromycetin in Pedia(bri CSaaieames » » . . . Wang Shu-Hung How Doctor Works in a Health aves in USSR. cael i per ethos hl Le nl Dake 8 Li Shen and Chang Hsiian Loeftler’s Syndrome with Eosinophilic Retesnita Clinical ‘Medical Conference:
Society) of Beniaeres Ch: ene Branch of the Chinese Medical Association
CHINESE JOURNAL OF OPHTHALMOLOGY (in Chinese), Vol. 6, No. 1, 1956. Actively Leading and Organizing the Learning of Traditional Chinese Medicine by Western-Trained Physicians .-. . .... .. . -Fu Lien-Chang The Importance of Research in Keratoplasty . . . . . The Editorial Board An Account of ecad uncial Filatov’s Eightieth Pe Celebration ae es peas : Eugene Chan A Historical navies on Hetatoplse ne = % eae | eee Yang=iein A Historical Review on Non- ewe Keratoplasty with Report of a Case : 2 Chang Hsiao-Fang A Collective Study of £ Keratoslesty Cases in Shanghai . . - . . Society of Ophthalmology, Shanghai Branch of the Chinese Medical Association A Preliminary Design of a Bottle for Cold Storage of Eye-balls . 7 = “Yang Teh-Wang and P’eng Feng- Nan A Plastic Disc for Retention of Corneal Graft . . . . . . . Chang Yuan eee and Heterologous Keratoplasty: A Report of Four Cases . Hu Wan-Chien, Luo Wan-Ch’iian and Meng Yii- Sun Tarellan Reraioplasty and Conjunctival Keratoplasty . . . . Hsia Teh-Chao Keratoplasty: A Report of Eleven Cases .
5 . Department of Ophthalmology, Honan Medical College Hospital Experiences in Keratoplasty . .. eee is ee UTD Kaeta¥ ii Keratoplasty: A eet of Twenty-Six eseesl 3
: Li Ch’en, Yen Huei- Ving and Cheng ch uan- Shih
Keratoplasty. in the Treatment of Atheromatous Ulcer: Report of Two Cases oat eal 8 eB. A eae. Ae ee Yang Teh-Wang
Cases of Normal Vision aia Partial Penetrating Keratoplasty mM dl f : Li Shu-Yuan Keratoplasty A Rewere of Eleven Cases . eS oe ee et
Ls ; & Fg tae Vise Li T’ai-Chun and Ts’ai Feng-Ying A Résumé on Forty Cases of fuikeeaesptaaty ie eat og ~ 2 2 Yat Yen=ehu Clinical Observations on Forty-Nine Cases of Keratoplasty :
Department of Ophthalmology, Tientsin Municipal Chief Hospital Keratoplasty: A Report of Sixteen Cases ......... Yang Chun
5- 8 9-11
29-30 31-38
39-42 43-45
46-48 49-53
54-57 58-59 60-62
63-65 66-69
70-72 73-79
No. 4, 1955.
Clinical Analysis of 134 Cases of Hydatidiform Mole . . Shantung Medical College, School of Medicine “of Shan-
fg University and First People’s Hospital in Chining District, Shantung 261-268
Dinenons of Hydatidiform Mole: An Analysis of 128 Cases .
. Tien Shueh-Ping, Ch’en Mei-Pu and Tid Ti- ca 269-274 Analees of 112 Cases of Hydatidiform Mole... . . , + Yen Shu-Chao 275-279
Analysis of 19 Cases of Hydatidiform Mole
Li Chi-Hsueh and Fan Yii-Fang 280-283