Chinese Medical Journal, 01. 01. 1956., стр. 88
Volvulus of the Entire Small Intestine: Report of 15 Cases .
. Yeh Chung-Chih, Liu Ku- Liang, Li Chung-Lien and Chao Teh- Ch’ wan 907-909
Clinical Analysis of 350 Cases of Industrial Injuries .
Li Ying- Seen fa lain Tao- Ping 910-915
Pree and 1 | Medical Menaeement of Industrial Injuries .
Yii P’ei-Li 916-918
Method of Locating Foreign Body in Soft | Tissue. . . . . Tsou Hsien-Juei 919-921 Novocain Block in Surgical Cases: A Collective Report . . . Editorial Board 922-924 Sleep Therapy in the Treatment of Tetanus. . . . . Chou P’ing-Sheng 925-926
Bilateral Mycotic Femoral Aneurysms: Report of a Case
Fan Wen-Lin and Ch: en Wen Ching 92
ierpnpsircon of the Snicen: Report of a Case
. Chang Sung-Ying, Li Lun cane aan Grn Tin 929-930
Primary Carcinoma of the Gallbladder: Report of a Case
Oe! cae with Unilateral ee Cy st Formation and Its Operative
Li Wei- Heung 931-933
Treatment: Report of a Case. . . . . . . . Chu Yi-Teung 934-936
Duplication of the Ileocecal Region. . . Tan Yi-Chiian and Ch’en Tung Local Anesthesia and Oblique Incision for Splenectomy
CHINESE JOURNAL OF PEDIATRICS (in Chinese), Vol. 7, No. 1, 1956.
Prezacer to Sur nging Tide 2 aa Socialism in China’s Countryside - . SS Ee MAO TSE- TUNG
The Ministry of Health’s Instructions on Further Measures to Prevent Measles
Infection PMI ee es ie oe ta) ce ss “kort PESO Oo Actively Leading and Organizing the Learning of Traditional Chinese Medicine by Western-Trained Physicians. . . ae Fu Lien-Chang
Pneumonia in Children: Analytical Study of 2,000 Cases . . j . Shih Mei-Sen and Chin Han- Chen
Clinical Analysis of Pneumonia in the Newborn. . . . . . Huang Ta-Shu Analysis of 74 Cases of Lobar Pneumonia. . . . .. .. . Li Ssu-Ning Observations on the Effect of Chloromycetin on Pneumonia Complicating Measles Ais ee aise. Ouyang Hsti-Ming and Hsiieh Tsuo-Hsi
Supplementary Treatment of Childhood Pneumonia with Hormones . . . Yang Ssu-Yuan, Wang Shih-Chi, Sun Chen-Chieh and Ch’en Huei- Ying
Spoune Pneumothorax : Yt Ting- Hsin, Ch’ en Ching- Tao and “Tai Pao- Ti
The Babies of Bullous Emphysema in Infants Cheien Mu-Han, Li Hsin-Wu, Lu Ching- Sheng: and i Chia- Suei
Pneumatocele Chang Hsiang-Yun
Exudative Pleurisy Complicating ML Report of Two Cases . Le eer) ace eee ; Kuo Hung-Ts’ai ete and ao eee Repoit BE one Case . . : x 9 . Kao Wei-Ying and “Ma Prei- ‘Jon Maewesiuen Suipeaied in the Treatment of Acute Glomerular Nephritis . . . 2 . Chen Nai-Pin, Chin T’ai-Yun and Liu Ya- Ghen Neuen of the Adrenal Gland: A Case Report. . .. ..Wang Ying-Fu
Allergic Reaction to Penicillin «RG ee ee la FR ete lie) is Ls Liang Ting-An, Yeh Hsiao-Li, You K’ai-Shao and Sun Hsou-Yin
N. E. Nagnebida 941-944
54-55 56-59