Creative critique and anthropo-philosophy

Nowhere on earth is there a store of unused racial vigour which could renew old blood, like a new migration of peoples.

‘All great creative elemental thinking is coming to an end and is giving place to historical pedantry and a frivolous romanticism with a partiality for armchair archaeology. In philosophy all further possibilities are exhausted. Poetry, painting, sculpture and music have now reached their final limits. We have shown that the purpose of art is significance, and we have brought its form of expression to that highest, noblest apocalyptic style, which expresses the passing of finiteness, beyond which there is nothing. Nowadays it is no longer a question of this or that art, school or style; it is a question of art itself. On applying this newly acquired apocalyptic style to the whole of reality, we lose our belief in a separated solemn domain of art, which indeed is only a lie, and for which jn modern culture all inner and outer conditions are lacking.

‘Extreme exhaustion is the secret of our time. We no longer believe in the redemptory mission of technics, of civilisation, of medicine or of science. We no longer believe that the eternal human problems and the eternal human tragedy can be solved by the ideals of our present culture. Our salvation cannot come by means of any reform, social revolution or art of life, nor from any of the sects or parties which commend themselves to our notice. Our whole surrounding world has become outworn, everything has become too narrow for us.

*Yet that is nothing to bewail and nothing to complain of. It is due neither to rottenness, to sloth, nor to evil, nor does it mean that the world has gone astray. Great anguish has come because the world has passed its zenith and is now exhausted, as though dropping from ripeness. This is no more an evil or a disease, than that fruit should fall from the tree in autumn. This is our answer to all questions of our time; world zenith and now world descent.

‘Instead of lamenting let us shout with joy, for the most blissful glory is about to arise. Divine Life is bursting open the world egg, and never has mankind sung the praise of a more mighty age than ours. Neither Rome, nor Jerusalem, nor Pharoah nor Byzantium, nor any historic hour of destiny has beheld that which we are destiried to behold. Let us overcome the fear that our age is small and petty. The wisdom of the “stick-in-the-mud” is petty, and “hygiene” and “recovery” and “reforms”, “welfare-work” and “beauty-culture”. Never has mankind faced such an overwhelming new beginning, and at no time was there so sublime a thrill as now. This is the final wisdom of our time: we are not ears of corn to be ground for ever in the mills of hell, but rather would everything fall into dissolution were it not for us.

‘Our age is the turning point where the Divine is no longer a mere image within the mind, but becomes deed. Not a pleasant place to live in, but movement and divine limitless vibration are now our goal.’

We have reached that crisis and turning point in which we, ordinary humanity, should no longer expect to receive new help or guidance from outside ourselves either from divine scriptures
