Fantastic fauna : decorative animals in Moslem ceramics, стр. 15
animals, although belonging to different species, have been allowed to run across the page as they pursue each other around a bowl.
The Fantastic Beasts are mostly winged birds with one hedgehog-like creature... but all these animals are so vivid that they need no interpreter, they bring their message to you themselves.
Before finishing I should like to express to M. Gaston Wiet, Director of the Museum, my appreciation of his courtesy in permitting and encouraging my work. To my guide, counselor and friend, in this my first adventure in an Archaeological field, M. Hussein Rached, Curator of the Museum, my warmest thanks; his suggestions and aid have been most valuable, and his unfailing interest made this book possible.
I also wish to thank Ali Pacha Ibrahim, whose interest much facilitated the achievement of this publi-
The sympathetic co-operation of all within the Arab Museum, from Hassan Eff. who helped to verify the numbers, to my faithful Mohamed Aly, who so indefatigably “made the eyes” for me to find unusual pieces, and who so regrettably died before the completion of the book, made the six months’ work a delightful experience and a cherished memory.
Cairo, March 1935.