History of the Parsis : including their manners, customs, religion and present position : with coloured and other illustrations : in two volumes


young and educated men of the race, was formed in the year 1852, under the title of the ‘‘ Rahnumai Mazdayasnan Sabha,” or Religious Reform Association, which has for its object the regeneration of the social condition of the Parsis and the restoration of the Zoroastrian religion to its pristine purity.

In the face of considerable opposition from the ignorant classes of the community, this association has done much good and wrought considerable changes in the social condition of the Parsis. Essays, composed in eloquent and impressive language, showing the disadvantages resulting from adhering to practices and usages which really do not belong to their religion, are read in public meetings before a crowd of eager listeners. Pamphlets have been circulated by thousands among the people, and, judging from present appearances, the efforts of this body seem to have had a beneficial influence on their minds,

The latest good work initiated by this society is that religious education is bemg imparted under its auspices to Parsi children in private schools. Again, it offers prizes for the publication of a series of books on Zoroastrian religion and morality for the use of the children. It has lately started funds for the delivery of lectures on religious topics.

The trustees of the Sir Jamshedji Jijibhai Translation Fund have been contributing their share to