History of the Parsis : including their manners, customs, religion and present position : with coloured and other illustrations : in two volumes


this much-desired object. Their first effort was to invite an essay on the ‘Origin and History of the Zend-Avesta, with an account of the investigations of European authors regarding the Zend books, with suggestions for enhancing religious education among the Parsis, and particularly among the priests.” A prize of Rs.500, or £50, was offered to the successful competitor.

There were three candidates for the prize, and the essay by Mr. Sorabji Shapurji Bengali, formerly secretary of the Religious Reform Association just mentioned, secured the prize. This brochure is distinguished by considerable research, and is remarkable for the ability with which the subject is treated. Mr. Sorabji’s name is well known in the Parsi community as the coadjutor of the indefatigable Mr. Naorozji Fardunji in his labours for the improvement of the social and religious condition of the Parsis.

Since this first publication many other books of interest to the Oriental world have been published under the patronage of the same fund. The latest of importance that is being published under its support is the translation of the Pehlevi Dinkard by the learned Dastur Peshotanji. Four volumes of this work have already appeared.

Besides the books brought out by the pecuniary assistance of this fund, many Parsi scholars, both of the priestly and the lay class, have been publishing