History of the Parsis : including their manners, customs, religion and present position : with coloured and other illustrations : in two volumes


Parsi community, but the “kazis” (magistrates) of Surat had forced the Parsis to pay the contribution to them. This firman prevented the “kazis” from appropriating these dues, and directed the Parsis to apply the funds to the purposes of their caste alone. We give here a literal English translation of the firman.

“To the Asylum of Affection, possessor of Nobility, Mopr Bamis1 Kuvargl, the Dayar of the caste of Parsis, may you be protected.

“Your Vakil presented a petition to the (Royal) presence which is full of lustre, representing that the Mutasudis (clerks, meaning the Nawab’s), Talukdars (District Officers), and other Mussulmans, regard Parsis lightly, and by reason of religious hostility and in an arbitrary manner impress them for the purpose of digging the ditches of the fort and the walls of the city of Surat, as well as the grave-pits for the interment of their dead, which is not allowed in the religion of the Parsis, and far from purity ; and further, that from days of yore you have been in the habit. of collecting fees from the Parsis on occasions of marriages and re-marriages according to the usage of your caste, and appropriated the same to the wants of your community ; but that the Kazis of the seaport city of Surat and of other places also, taking advantage of their influence, collect from the Parsis large sums of money on occasions of marriages and re-marriages, in the same manner as they take from Kunbis, Kachias, and other low classes of the Hindu community, and also interfere in matters affecting the (Parsis’) religion, society, and caste, matters which are connected with the office of Davar. Having made such a representation, he (your Vakil) applied for a sublime firman or mandate for the discontinuance of the above-mentioned works (imposition) and excesses. In these days we have been honoured with a sublime mandate under the seal of Kutbul Mulk Yaminuldaola Zafarjang Yariwafadar, the Prime Minister (of the Emperor), and orders have been issued to all Mussulmans to the effect that they should refrain from the practice of excesses and from