Indian dancing


Above, Kathakali: Left, Ganesha, the Elephant God. The right hand in ‘bhramara’ symbolizes

the ear, the left being in ‘kataka-mukha’. The ‘rasa’ is ‘veera’, or valour. Right, Indra. The right

hand in ‘musti, the left in ‘suchi’, suggesting Indra hurling thunderbolts from the sky. The ‘rasa

is “raudra, or fury. Below, Bharata Natyam: Left, Ganesha. Both hands in ‘kapittha’ near the

waist; alternatively, they may be placed on the thighs. The ‘rasa’ is ‘veera’, or valour. Right,

Indra. Two “tripataka’ hands folded in the ‘samyukta’ gesture of the swastika. The ‘rasa’ is ‘raudra’, or fury.
