Indian dancing


Above, Kathakali: Left, Krishna playing his flute. Both hands in ‘mrga-sirsa. Two kataka hands ‘

may also be used. The ‘rasa is ‘sringara’, or love. Right, Rama. The left hand in ‘musti with |

thumb raised high (this would be the ‘sikhara’ of Bharata Natyam), and the right in ‘kataka’.

The ‘rasa’ is ‘“veera’, or valour. Below, Bharata Natyam: Left, Krishna playing his flute. The |

hands in the Bharata Natyam ‘mrga-sirsa’. The ‘rasa’ is ‘sringara’, or love. Right, Rama. The left hand in ‘sikhara’, the right in ‘kapittha. The ‘rasa’ is ‘veera’, or valour.
