Principles of western civilisation


process, 370-95; and the State in England, 408-12; position under Professor Adams’ law, 406, 407 ; and exploitation of lower races, 2628, 441-48; and yellow races, 26, 28, 445-52; and challenge to ascendency of present in economic process, 467-73, see Democracy, Ethics, Economics, and State

Lamarck, 32

Lassalle, It

Lateran, Fourth Council of, 285

Latin peoples and Reformation, 305307; jurisprudence amongst, 349-

Laveleye, 330

Law, 146; Roman, 172, 176, 179, 190, 199, 207, 208, 209, 328; differentiation of a rule of law from a rule of religion in Western history, 243, 262, 263, 274, 281, 282, 300, 305; English jurisprudence, 331, 332; system of trial in English, 349; stand-point in Latin countries, 349352; for Jus Civile, Tus Gentiun, Tus Latinum, [us Reformand?, [us Tialicum, see wader headings. See also under State, and 390-401

“Laws of Growth,” 37

Lecky, 213, 215, 230, 270, 280, 283, 285, 315, 323) 397

Ledlie, J. C., 172

Leo the Isaurian, 259

Leroy-Beaulieu, Paul, 94, t25

Lessing, 8

Leuckhart, 45

Liberalism, principles, 13-20; and

English Utilitarians, 75-78; the |

world-process as a theory of the Utilitarian state, 97-98; rise of democracy, 100-13; what is ultimate claim of Western Liberalism as a principle of progress? 97-134; theory of ascendant present in, 11934; a theory of the political State, French Revolution, 115, 122-25; from Nietzsche's stand-point, 128-31; attitude in England and United States to materialistic interpretation of history, 134; principles of modern, 362-67 ; and military selection, 363; and challenge to ascendency of present in modern economic process, see Economics, Tolerance, Ethics, Present, ascendency of, Democracy, Labour, Socialism, and State

Life, duration of, theories of, 45-60

Linnzus, 33

List, F., 376

Lloyd, H. D., 374, 419

Locke, 104, 106-109, 107-109, 108-10, 173, 115, 116, 117, 122, 125, 358, 392 ; on legislative power, Ap.

Logan, W. S., 352

London Chamber of Commerce, 427 ; report to, on secret commissions in trade, Ap.

Long Parliament, 318

Loria, Achille, 10, 29, 88

Lucretius, 212

Macdonald, W., 114, 325

Machiavelli, 293, 294

Mackenzie, J. S., 90, 397

Mackintosh, Sir J., 28, 72

Magna Charta, 255

Mahaffy, J. P., 169, 175, 391

Maine, Sir Henry, ror, 105, 242, 243, 262, 263, 266, 274, 357, 362

Malthus, 5, 15, 35, 73, 411

Malthusianism, 79, 120, 124, 411

Manchester school, in modern epoch, 21-29, 73, 75. 79; Telation to early form of Darwinian theory, 35; and free competition, 368, 407-8, 412, 414,423, 431, 432, 434-54; and free-trade, 364; characteristic doctrine of, 405; and labour, 405-12; and challenge to ascendency of present, 414, 416; theory of nonresponsibility in international trade, 434-54; and growth of British empire, 436-44; and socialism, 453473 Manus, 190

Marshall, Alfred, 76; on latent simplicity of governing principles of social process, 137-38

Martel, Charles, 233, 269

Marx, Karl, Io, 11, 71, 87, 92, 93, 98, 104, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 365, 392, 455-56, 467

Massingham, H. W., 187

Mathews, Shailer, 374

Maude, Aylmer, 187

Max-Miiller, 391, 394

Melitus, 247

Mercantile system, 379-81, 384

Middle Ages, central evolutionary problem of, 248, 253, 254, 256, 257, 264, 277, 287, 310, 320-21 ; definition of, 291, 311, 316; and military selection, 458-59

Military selection, in social evolution, 140-47; before opening of history, r51-56; culminating, 156 e¢ seq. ; and ancestor worship, 163-75; and religious systems of Greece and