Principles of western civilisation



OO aaa

Rome, 203; and humanitarianism, | Otto I., 260

224-25 ; and Mohammedanism, 23234; in opening of modern world, 395-307 ; and liberalism, 363; and modern economic process, 457-64

Mill, J-, 5, 9, 28, 72, 73. 75, 85, 92, 294

Mill, J. S., 1, 2, 5, 9, 1%, 28, 73, 75, 75, 77, 78, 79, 80, 82, 85, 86, 87, 92, I12, 113, 120, 124, 126, 397, 410, 411, 467.

Minos, 166

Moeller, Wilhelm, 297, 303, 306, 311, 312, 313, 314, 315, 317, 322

Mohammedanism, 232, 233, 234

Molesworth, Sir William, 109

Mommsen, Theodore, 156, 177, 178

Monopoly, movement towards, in industrial process, 415-27, 467-68; conditions of, in United States, 421

Montesquieu, 183

Moon, 392

Morley, J., 28, 314, 364

Mortmain, statute of, 255

Motley, J. L., 286

Miinster Anabaptists, 314

Naples, 261

Nationality, development beyond. See State

Natural rights, 14, 98, Nietzsche and, 128-31

Natural Selection, and subordination of present to future, 3, 6, 8, 10, 11, 12, 43-46, 48-64, 67, 139-49, 385 ; Darwinian conception of, as operating in the present, 30-44; post-Darwinian development in theory of, 39-64; and ancestor worship, 164, et seg.; battle ground of, in subordination of present to future, 202-3, 249-50; and military process, 14047, 150-56, 232-34; in modern society, 333-34; in international

Io4, 112;

world-process, 384-85, 466-73; sce |

Military selection Neo-Platonism, 221, 245, 292, 293,

204 Netherlands, 261, 286, 297 Nettesheim, 294 Newman, J. H., 320 Nicolas, Bishop of Tusculum, 275 Nietzsche, 29, 93, 98, 105, 113, 128, 129, 130, 187, 359 Nominated Parliament, 318 Novicow, J., 136

O'Connor, Feargus, 23 ‘Oratory of Divine Love,” 298

Paine, T., 114

Pandulf, 275

Party Government, 347-52

Paschal II., 271

Patria potestas, 190, 199

Paul IV., 285

Pearson, Charles H., 27, 28, 448, 449 Pearson, Karl, 293, 314

| Pelagian controversy, 222

Pelagius, 216

Philip Il., Spain, 285

Pico della Mirandola, 292

Pitt, William, 13-14

Plato, 77, 175, 181, 182, 212, 247, 354

Plethon, 294

Political science, 88-91 ; characteristic position reached in English thought, 327-34; see also State, Ethics, Economics, and 390-404

Pollock, Sir Frederick, 90, 112, 117, 246, 264, 267, 330, 331, 332

188, 191,

Pomponatius, 293

Population, restriction in France, 124 ; of English-speaking world and of European peoples at beginning of twentieth century, 15-16, 337

Porphyry, 294

Poseidon, 167

Potter, H. C., 445-47

Poulton, E. B., 186

Present, ascendency of, 20, 24, 68, 80, 83-88, 86-87, 120-21; in Greek and Roman civilisations, 150-93, 194202 ; in first epoch religious evolution, 159-60; in Greek art, 183-89 ; in Roman military dominion, 189; in central problem of Middle Ages, 248-53, 256-57, 273; and Hebrew spirit, 202-2; relations in modern evolutionary position, 390-401 ; challenge in economic process, 404474, 440-42, 452-54; challenge in world-process, 458-72

| Projected Efficiency, principle of, in

biology, 30-64 ; operation of, in society, 67, 69, 77, 90, 135-36, 239, 288, 327, 336, 385, 395, 403, 466-73

| Psychology, 11-12, 83-87 ; controlling

principles not discovered by introspection, but related to meaning of social process in evolution, 83; relations in modern evolutionary position, 390-99

Puffendorf, 108

Quinet 83