Principles of western civilisation



Ranke, 285, 298, 303

Religion, Rousseau's tenets of political, 116; and Marxian socialism, 116, 125-31, 455-56; two categories of systems of, 159-60, 246-48; in ancient civilisations, 150-93; theory of, in modern French thought, 123125; in modern German thought, 125-31; differentiation of law from, 243, 262, 263, 281, 282, 305; projection of religious consciousness beyond State, 305-34, 350, 352 354 357, 361-63, 367; 374-75, 391-407

Renaissance, no new life-principle in early, 292-95; Neo-Platonism in, 203-94; and modern socialism, 413

Renan, 123

Revolution, America, 117, 324-25

Revolution, England, tor, 102-3, 106, I07, 108, 109-14, 323, 324

Revolution, France, 5, 8, 14, 79 71; 80, 98, 100, 114-34, I14, 132, 339

Rhenish Provincial Synod, 312

Ricardo, D., 5, 73, 497, 408, 410, 415

Ritchie, D. G., 14, 98, 100, 104, TT4, 246, 285, 310

Romanes, G. J., 31, 38; on importance of discovery of principles as cause of progress in knowledge, 49

Roman law. See Law

Rome, ancient, peoples of, in evolutionary process, 151-56; religions of, 160, 164-75; tolerance and decay, 172, 209-10; genius of, 173, 183-84; slaves in, 176-79; theory of slavery, 179; regard for life in, 189-90, 223-25; principles of philosophy in, 205-14; and Christianity, 230-31

Roscher, W., 376

Rosebery, Lord, 235

Rousiers, Paul de, 421

Rousseau, J. J-, 14, 712, 100, 115

Russell, Bertrand, ro, 93, 125, 126, 127, 133, 392.

Sandars, T. C., 170, 172 Saunders, T. B., 12, 186 Sayce, A. H., 38

Scandinavia, 274, 303 Schelling, 8

Schiller, F. C. S., 426 Schlegel, 310

Schmoller, 376-81, 382, 384, 495, 435 Schopenhauer, 12, 186 Seebohm, H. E., 162, 166, 167 Seeley, J. R., 180

Selby-Bigge, L. A., 391 Seneca, 206, 218, 224

Servetus, 313

Shaw, G. B., 187

Shipley, A. E., 46, 186

Sidgwick, H. 9; on theories of ethics and the state, 88-91; antinomy in modern economic process, 370-74, 375

Simony, 269

Slavery, 176 ef seg. + principle of, in ancient civilisations, 179, 226-27; and Christianity, 227-29; and economic conditions of Roman empire, 227; church councils and, 228 ; Gregory the Great and, 22

Small, Albion W., 8

Smith, Adam, 72, 73) 120, 364, 408, 415

Social Contract, too, 116, 118, T19

Social Democracy, and theory of the State in Germany, 72, 80, 92; H. Spencer and, 87, 92, 339; and religioninGermany, 116, T25-31,455-56. See also Socialists, German, and Socialism

Social Evolution, 93, 127

Socialism, and political equality, 360; analogy in Renaissance, 413; and Manchester school, 454-57 ; characteristic feature of modern, 454-55; and projected efficiency, 456-573 and the world-process, 457-64. See also Socialists, German, and Social democracy

Socialists, German, and theory of society, II, 92, 125-31, 330

Socrates, 182, 247

Sohm, R., 172, 176, 209

Spain, 261, 274, 285, 303, 305-7) 33%) 358

Spencer, Herbert, 11, 15, 120, 121, 333; leading idea of his social philosophy, 7, 81-87 5 relation to Utilitarians, 7, 81-82; to Hume, 7-8; to Kant, 392; to modern evolutionary position, 82, 396-99; on duration of life, 45, 46; definition of life, 54; om sacrifice, 84; theory of ancestor worship, 162-63

Spinoza, 108, 113

Spooner, W. A., 410, 411

St. Bartholomew, massacre of, 307

Standard Oil Trust, 419

Stanwood, E., 349, 35!

State, the ‘‘State” subordinate to “Society” if principle of projected efficiency accepted, 69-70; yet confusion between the two in theories of Manchester school, 22-24, of Utilitarians, 73, 88, 112, 113, 122


75, 80, 119,