Principles of western civilisation
of French Revolution, 7o, 122-25, of all schools in Germany, 92; the State in Greek thought, 19, 20, 94; epoch in which ‘‘State” and ‘‘Society'’ are samie, 140-42; conception of, in early Christianity, 258-87; in Middle Ages, 260-67; in CharleMagne's age, 261-68; in struggle with spiritual power, 264-87, 300-8; in Renaissance, 292-95; in Reformation, 308-26; which emerged from Reformation, 326-34; in Latin countries, 350; principles underlying modern, 346-88 ; party government in, 348-53; intellectual freedom in, 353-56; political equality in, 357-61 ; modern liberalism in, 362-68; economic equality in, 370-75; economic development in, 376-88 ; and modern evolutionary position,
390-97; and labour in England, | 409-12; in modern industry, 417-32; | in international trade, 434-54;
development beyond nationality in, 99, 378-88, 457-73
Stephen, Leslie, 9, 28, 73, 76, 96, 339, 374
Stephenson, Andrew, 176
Stewart, 5
Stoicism, 198, 207, 208, 209, 212-13, 214-17
Strachey, J. St. Loe, 320
Stubbs, 255, 275, 277
Suicide, doctrine of, in ancient philosophy, 213, 215
Switzerland, 102, 312-14
Symonds, J. A., 2
Tacitus, 173
Taylor, Graham, 374, 428
Telesio, 292, 294
Tertullian, 215, 231
Thirty Years’ War, 304
Tolerance, principle of, in modern era, 320, 326, 328, 387; in party goyernment, 349-52; in thought, 353-54; | in politics, 357-67 ; in modern world-process, 458-64
Toleration Act, 316, 324
Tolstoy, L., 187, 398
Totemism, 284
Tours, battle of, 233
Printed by R. & R. CLark, Luren, Ldinburzh.
Townsend, M., 203
Trades Unionism, 372, 412
Trent, Council of, 303
Trusts, 417-26, 432
Truth, modern conception of, 309-10, 327, 347, 35°
Turgot, too, rrs
Uebermenschen, 29, 93, 128-31
Unam Sanctam Bull, 279, 280
Uniformity Act, 316
United States, population at beginning of twentieth century, 15; liberalism, 14-20; intellectual position in, 133 ; conditions of art in, 187 ;- intellectual positlon in, 133; Reformation in New England settlements, 316-17; New England settlements and religious establishments, 324-25; religion in constitution of, 325; modern theory of state in, 331; intensity of conditions in, 340-47, 382-88; causes of intensity, 347-88; franchise in, 358; dualism in economic process in, 373-75; conditions of free competition in, 404-74; Trusts in, 41924, 432; and international process in trade, 438-52. See English-speaking peoples
Valence, Council of, in 530, 222 Vanini, 293
Veblen, Thorstein, 381
Virginia, ‘‘ Bill of Rights,” 119, Ap. Venice, peace of 1177, 272
Voltaire, 11, 14, 294
Wages Fund, theory of, 410
Wagner, 187
Wallace, A. R., 33, 34, 37, 49, 60, 61
Wallon, 177, 178, 199
Webb, S. and B., 372
Weismann, A., 45, 46, 48, 49, 50, 52, 54, 56, 58, 59, 186
Westminster Assembly, 323
Wheeler, B. J., 166-67
Wibert, 270
William I., England, 255, Ap.
Worms, Concordat of 1122,
272 272
Zeno, 259 Zimmern, A., 178, 183