Ragnarok : the age of fire and gravel


Set, 144, 234.

Shah-Nameh, 171.

Shakespeare, 430,

Sheddad, 269.

Shetlands, 259.

Ships, ancient, found, 345, 346.

Siberia, no Drift in, 28; pre-glacial animals of, 49, 56.

Siberia, 395.

Silurian formation, Drift Age of, 433,

Simon, Fray Pedro, 345.

Sita, 171. =

Six Nations, legend of, 201.

Skulls, pre-glacial, 124; Engis, 124; Neanderthal, 125; the Calaveras skull, 130.

Sleifner, 240.

Smith, George, 277.

Smith, Horatio, 241,

Smith, Sydney, Rey., 399.

Sodom, 388.

Solomon, 270, 271.

Solon, 370, 383.

Solovei, 243.

South Georgia, Island of, 221.

Stems, the Ten, of the Chinese, 210,

Stone image found in Ohio, 353.

Stow, 241.

Stratified rocks, their thickness, 1.

Striated stones of Drift, 5; not produced by seas or rivers, 11.

Stubbs, 241.

Styx, 387.

Sun, the return of the, 111; the triumph of, 233 ; the, standing still, 264,

Surt, 144, 428.

Swift, Lewis, 87.

Swift’s comet, 397.

Switzerland, “ till” of, 22.

Tacullies, legend of, 177, 375. Tahoe Indians, 263.

Tahoe legends, 375.

Talmud, the, 406.

Tambheur, 233.

Ta-wats, 178, 258,

Tawiscara, 173.

Tempel’s comet, 397.


Tennyson, 117, 145, 384.

Terminal moraines described, 20; unlike Drift deposits, 21.

Tertiary Age, the climate of, 45; man of, 127.

Tertiary climate, effect of, 406.

Teutonic legends, 262.

Tezcatlipoca, prayer to, 186.

Tezeatlipoca, 259, 262.

Theta Centauri, 413.

Thlinkeets, legend of, 213, 219.

Thraetaona, 171.

Thride, 393.

“Till,” the, 3; its characteristics, 3, 4; unfossiliferous, 4 ; its hardness, 5,

Timandonar, 241.

Tlaloe, 257.

Tlandrokpah, 195.

Tohil, 244, 257.

Toltees, legend of, 166, 215, 265.

Totem, the, meaning of, 197.

Totem, the, 363.

Trail, the, 53.

Tritons, 368, 369.

Tropical plants, could not have surviyed the continental ice-sheets, 52; found in Arctic Circle, 44.

Tulan, 244.

Tupi Indians, legends of, 175, 263.

Typhaon, 137.

Typho, 285.

Typheus, 138.

Typhon, 187, 235, 236, 241.

United States, the Drift absent from parts of, 30.

Universal belief as to comets, 424.

Upa-Merou, 370,

Uru, 224.

Ural Mountains, 267.

Ute Indians, legends of, 177.

Ute, the, legend, 258.

Vale, 151.

Vali, 239.

Vase from cave of Furfooz, 347, Vendidad, 237.

Victoria Cave, 122,

Vidar, 147, 151.