Ragnarok : the age of fire and gravel

452 INDEX. yes

Vigrid, the plain, 146, 151. Viking Age, 367. Viracocha, 179.

Viadimir, Fair Sun, 243, Vritra, 237, 241.

Waves of transplantation, 14,

Winchell, Professor Alexander, 355, 405, 436.

Wind, action of sand driven by, in marking rocks, 99,

| Winnecke’s comet, 104; spectrum

__ of, 105. Wyandots, legend of, 182.

Yehl, 213.

Yedrasil, the ash, 146. Yegdrasil, 379.

Yurucares, legend of, 181.

Zendavesta, legends of, 134, 171. Zohak, 171.