Ragnarok : the age of fire and gravel

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4 Catalogue of American and Foreign Books Published or Imported by Messrs. Sampson Low & Co. can be had on application.

Crown Buildings, 188, Fleet Street, London, October, 1885.

A Selection from the List of Books




AP0UL Some Fellows. By an Eton Boy, Author of “A Day of my Life.” Cloth limp, square r6mo, 2s. 67.

Adams (C. K.) Manual of Historical Literature. Cr. 8vo, 12s. 62,

Alcott (Louisa M.) Jack and Jill. 16mo, 55.

Old-Fashioned Thanksgiving Day. 35. 622.

——— froverb Stories. 16m0, 35. 62.

——— Spinning-Wheel Stories. 16mo, 55.

— See also “ Rose Library.”

Alden (W. L.) Adventures of Jinmy Brown, written by himself. Illustrated. Small crown 8yo, cloth, 2s. 6d.

Aldrich (fT. B.) Friar Jeromés Beautiful Book, &c. Very choicely printed on hand-made paper, parchment cover, 35. 6d.

Poetical Works. Edition de Luxe. 8vo, 215.

Alford (Lady Marian) Needlework as Art. With over 100 Woodcuts, Photogravures, &c. Royal 8vo, 42s. ; large paper, 84s.

Amateur Anglers Days in Dove Dale: Three Weeks Floliday in July and August, 1884. By E.M. Printed by Whittingham, at the Chiswick Press. Cloth gilt, Is. 67. ; fancy boards, ts.

American Men of Letters. Thoreau, Irving, Webster. 2s. 6d. each.

Anderson (W.) Pictorial Arts of Japan. With 80 full-page and other Plates, 16 of them in Colours, Large imp. 4to, gilt binding, gilt edges, 8/7. 8s. ; or in four parts, 2/. 25. each.

Anglers Strange Experiences (An). By Corswotp Isys. With numerous Illustrations, 4to, 5s. New Edition, 3s. 67.

Angling. See Amateur, “ British Fisheries Directory,” ‘“ Cutater. “Martin,” “Steyens,? ‘ Theakston,” ‘* Walton,” and “Wells.”

Arnold (Edwin) Birthday Book. 4s. 6d.