RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue

broadcasting might develop . But a national communications policy that seeks to encourage the possibilitv of its appearance and development would seem highly desirable , if not particularly easy to specify ог to defend . It may come back to the guestion of what the common phrase 4he airwaves belong to the people' means in the context of local and national life and communications policy . Notes 1 ) UNESCO , "Communications in the Community ," Paris : UNESCO , 1981; Simon Partridge , "Not the BBC/IBA ; the case for community rađio," London : Comedia , 1982; Otfried Jahren and Peter Widlock , eds . , Lokalradio in der Bundesrepublik Deutchland , Berlin ; Vistas Verlag , 1985; Frances Berrigan , ed . , "Access ; Some Western Examples of Community Media," Paris ; UNESCO, 1977; Philip Crookes and Patrick Vittet-Philippe , Local Radio and Regional Development in Europe , Manchester ; European Institute for the Media , 1986; Jean-Paul Lafrance , Les radios nouvelles dans le monde , Paris ; la documentation fran?aise , 1985. 2 ) Rene Duval, L'Historie de la Rađio en France. Paris; Moreau, 1979, esp. pp . 202-205. 3 ) Erik Barnouw , A Tower in Babel, New York ; Oxford University Press , 1966, pp. 28-38. 4 ) Nathan Godf ried , "The Origms of Labor Radio WCFL , the 'Voice of Labor ,' 1925- 1928. 'Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television, 7, No . 2 (1987), pp. 143-160. 5 ) Frank Peers , The Politics of Canadian Broadcasting. Toronto; University of Toronto Press, 1969, pp. 29-33 6 ) Kees van der Haak , Broadcasting in the Netherlands . Lonđon: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 197 7, pp. 5-6, 13-14. 7 ) Duval , op . cit . , Ch , 2 . 8 ) Rundfunk in der Region , Koln : Verlag W., Kohlhammer , 1984, pp. 211-216.