RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue

9 ) Donald R . Browne , "Alternatives fог Local and Regional Radio ; Three Nordic Solutions.” Journal of Communication , 34, No . 2 (Spring , 1984), pp. 36-55. 10 ) See Јеггу Rubin , Do It!, New Vork : Simon & Schuster , 1971, pp . 106-8, for a description of how a U.S. 'radical' manipulated the media in the late '6os. 11 ) Roger Вугпе , "the Geneva Plan," Airwaves (publication of the Independent Broadcasting Authority) , Spring, 1986, pp. 19-20. !2) "PCC seizes shipboard radio station," The Hollywoođ Reporter , July 29, 1987, pp . 4 , 9. 13 ) Norton E . Long , " The Local Community as an Ecology of Games," American Journat of Sociology , 6 4 (November, 1958), pp. 251-161. 14 ) Roland L. Warren, "Тће Good Community - What Woulđ It Be? , Journal of the Community Development Society , 1 , No . 1 (Spring, 1970), pp . 2 1-22. 1 5) "pcc launches attack on indecency,” Broađcasting, 112, No . 16 (April 20, 1987), pp . 35-36; Jon Pareles , "A Сазе Against Censoring Rock Lyrics,” The New Vork Times, Нау 3, 1987, Sec, 2, p. 35. 16 ) John Ross Scott, "Council slap ban on Radio Tweeđ," Southern Reporter (Selkirk) , September 25, 1986, p . 1+; interviews with and observations of Rađio Tweed staff , Selkirk , Scotland , September 23-24, 1986. 1 7 ) indepedent Broadcasting Authority Contract Specif ications , undated document f urnished to me by IBA in September , 1985. Provision 3.31 , which contains the material cited in the article, appears on p . 34. 10 ) crookes and Vittet -Phillipe , op . cit. , p. 38. 19 ) Anthony Wright , "Local Radio and Local Оетосгасу m Britain," COMBROAD , September , 1982, PP . 50, 52. Wright's full study , "Local Radio and Local Оетосгасу : A Study m Political Education ," was released by the Indepenđent Broadcastmg Authority in 1982.