RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue

improve societv тагКесПу . Ву promoting internal Оетосгасу , listener access and a wider variety of programs , community radio stations are real steps forward . Even the playing of black dance music by the present pirates is a political act in an old imperialist anđ racist country like Britain. Accountability , participation anđ involvement in the media are integral parts of the democratization of society . Within the media sector , community stations can prefigure the more đifficult goal of overcoming reified social relations . They can partially break down the separation of workers as producers and consumers from the means of media production . But these aims will always be limited through the đisciplines of the state anđ the market. Community stations тау benefit from the growth of new technologies and f iexible work patterns , but, by themselves , they wili never superseđe the dominance of the society within which they finđ themselves . Only a wider social transformation can accomplish this . References • Adam Smith Institute (1984) Omega Report: Communications Policy, Adam Smith Institute , London • Lord Annan (1977) Report of the Committee on the Future of Broadcasting , HMSO , London • S.Antunes ( 1988) Virgin Sets Up Rađio Syndicate in The independent, lOth March 1988 • R.Barbrook ( 1985) Entertainment as Work : the Mass Međia аз a Capitalist Labor Process in Ideas and Production , Number 3 • R.Barbrook ( 1987) A New Way of Talking: Community Radio in Britain in Science and Culture , pilot issue • R. Barbrook (1988) The Rise and Fall of Left Radio Stations in France in Radio Academy, Number 15, Harch 1988 • R.Barbrook and J.Davis (1986) Costing Community Radio, mimeo , London • S.Barnett ( 1986) Pricing the Radio Spectrum, Broadcasting Research Unit, London • S .Barnett and D.Morrison (1988) The Listener Speaks ; the Radio Audience and the Future of Radio , Broadoasting Research Institute , Lonđon • Broadcast (1987) IBA plans Community Unit in Broadcast , 6th November 1987 • Broadcast (1988) DTI Hots Up Pirate Hunt in Broadcast, sth February 1988 • S.Buckley (1988) Financial Planning for Community Rađio , photocopy , Cambridge • J.Butcher (1988) Wntten Answer to Ouestion on Radio Broadcasting in Hansard , 27th June , 1988 • R.Chapman (1988) History of Pop Music Radio , , M.Phil dissertation , Leicester