RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue

e R.Collins (1987) Regulation of UK Broadcasting , Ađvertising, Press , Centre f ог Communication and Information Studies , London * CPBF (1984) The Press, Radio and Television, Comedia/WEA , London e CRA (1987) Response to the Home Office ‘Green Рарег Radio ; Choices and Opportunities' Communitv Radio Association , London * CSP International (1987) Deregulation of the Radio Spectrum in the UK, HMSO , London * Deloitte, Haskins and Sells (1988) Wili Big be Beautiful? In Broadcast, Bth August, 1988 » R.Eckersley (1941) The BBC and All That, Sampson Low Marston i Co, London e P.Fiddick ( 1 988 ) Sex , Violence , . .and What Next? in The Guarđian , 9th Мау , 1988 * L.Gordon (1939) The Public Corporation in Britain, Oxford University Press , London o P .Harris (1968) When Pirates Ruled the Waves , Impulse, Aberdeen * Home Office ( 1987 ) Radio: Choices anđ Opportunities, HMSO, Lonđon e Hooligan (1987) Radio is Му Bomb; A DIY Manual for Pirates , Hooligan Press , London * D.Hurd (1988) Written Answer to Ouestion on Radio Broadcasting in Hansard 19th Јапиагу , 1988 ® D.Hurd ( 1988 a) Speech to the Radio Academy Festival, 6th July , 19 88 * IBA ( 197 3) Independent Broađcasting Authority Act 1973, HMSO , London e IBA (1986) Big New Reductions in Rentals for Inđependent Radio , Independent Broadcasting Authority Press Release , 6th November , 1986 * IBA ( 1987 ) The Future of UK Indepenđent Radio, Independent Broadcasting Authority , London e IPA (1987) The Future of the Radio lndustry , Institute of Practitioners in Advertising, London e ipa (1987 a) Institute of Practitioners in Advertising Submission to Peacock Committee in IPA (1987) * B.Jessop (1988) Regulation Theory. Post Fordism and the State : Иоге than a Reply to Werner Bonefeld in Capital and Class , Number 34, Spring 1988 e B.Jones (1987/8) Community Benefit in Airwaves Winter 1987/8 e Labor Party ( 1987) Voices and Choices: Labor's Policies for the Arts and the Media, Labor Party, London e M.Loat ( 1 988) AII-Night Fighters in The Guardian , 1 Bth July , 1988 * LRW ( 1983) Capital; Local Radio and Private Profit , Comedia/Local Radio Workshop, London