RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue

• Gordon Mac ( 1988) Intervievv with Author , London • К.Магх ( 1973) The Grundrisse, Penguin , London • H.Morrison (1933) Socialization and Transport, Constable, London • T .O'Malle/ ( 1988) Media in 'The Second Chesterfield Conference ; Papers for Discussion' in Interlink June 1988 • Nova (1988) Rađio Nova International Press PacK , RNI, Camberley • S.Partridge ( 1988) What is Community Rađio and What are its Prospects?, paper for the Radio Academy Conference on Community Radio, 22nd Јапиагу 19 88 • A.PeacocK ( 1986) Report of the Committee on Financing the BBC, HMSO , London • W .Phillips (1985) Bugbears and Водеу Men Don't Frighten Well Managed Stations in Broadcast, 1 3th September , 1985 • W .Phillips (1986) The Biggest aren't Always the Best in Broadcast, 1 9th September , 1986 • W .Phillips (1987) How ILR Became Everybody's Pet in Broadcast, 25th September , 1987 • R.Pine and M.Thomas (1986) Communication and Community : The Case of Irish Radio , RTE , Dublin • V .Porter ( 1988) The Re-regulation of Rađio Broadcasting , Centre for Communications and Information Studies , Lonđon • Radio Regulatory Division (1987) Annual Report 1985/6, Department of Trade and lndustry, London • Radio Today , (1987) Pirate Rađio Violence in Radio Today, August/September 1987 • Rađio Tođay (1988) AM/FM London Bandscan in Radio Today, April/May 1988 • T .Renton ( 1988) Written Answer to Guestions on Radio in Hansard 27th Јапиагу 1988 • T .Renton (1988 a) Speech to the Radio Academy , 2 sth February, 1988 • D.Sarnoff ( 1939 ) Principles and Practices of NetworK Radio Broadcasting, RCA Institutes Technical Press, New УогК • F .SyKes (1923) The Broađcasting Committee Report, HMSO , London • D.Thomas (1965) Competition in Radio, lEA , London • C.Turner (1988) Into the Straight in Radio Academy number 16, June 1988 • D.VicK (1988) lnterview with Author at IBA Radio Division , 28th, June, 1988 • M . Wroe ( 1988) Pirates who Storm the Open Airwaves in The Indepenđent 13/1/1988