Scientia Sinica





Glonindaicubacquata Wang, (GPs MON)) a2. scree ec ce os ae . p. 169 1, 2s 3h 4n Dr: Respectively, ventral, dorsal, posterior, lateral and anterior views of complete specimen,

% 2, holotype, I-P.A.S. 8012. Upper Silurian; Hueichenkou, near Changning City, southwestern Szechuan Province.

Pentamerus dorsoplanus Wang; (Sp NON) erepieeea ces ects ehe acre ee 2) aoc scie p- 167 1,2, 3,5: Respectively, ventral, dorsal, lateral and anterior views of mature individual showing subpentagonal general outline and dorsal broad sulcus, X 1, holotype, I-P.A.S. 8008; 4: specimen broken along median line showing internal septa, % 1, paratype, 1.P.A.S. 8009.

Lojoping Series, Middle Silurian, west of Wulungkuan Hill, north of Lojoping Village, Ichang District, Hupeh Province. 5 . Hypothyridina linglingensis Wang, (SpyitoVve)) sa ead eae ee ) p: 173 1,2,3,4,5; Respectively, ventral, dorsal, lateral, posterior and anterior views of complete specimen, % 1.5, holotype, I-P-A.S. 8017.

Upper Devonian; one mile west of Yenmuchiao, Lingling District, Hunan Province.