Scientia Sinica


Zygospira kueichowensis Wang (sp. NOV.) .. 2.0202. 0 epee eens .p. 175 12 Sache Respectively, ventral, dorsal, posterior, anterior and lateral views of complete specimen showing general form and ornamentation, X< 3, holotype, I.P.A.S. 8019.

Lojoping Series. Middle Silurian; cast of Tashutze, Yingwuhsi, Ssunan District, Kweichow Province.

-Pentamerus dorsoplanus Wang (sp. Mov.) ..-------> ET nations eo ere p. 167

1,2,3: Ventral, dorsal and lateral views of immature specimen, note more convex dorsal valve and elongatcly oval outline, X 1, paratype, 1.P.A.S. 8010. ’

‘Lojoping Series, Middle Silurian; west slope of Wulungkuan Hill, north of Lojoping Village, Ichange District, Hupeh Province. C : Pentamerus muchuanensis Wang (sp. SOs) se ooocccwugsecaeubsoseee Son oo dada p. 169 1,2,3,4: Dorsal, Jateral, ventral and posterior views of complete specimen, note strongly biconvex lateral prohle and broadly oval outline, X -1, holotype, I.P.A.S. 8011.

Lojoping Series, Middle Silurian; Muchuan District, Kweichow Province. Patroriyncha squamosa Wang-(Sp, nOV.))..- 0 DE JAl 1, 2, 3, 4, 5: Ventral, dorsal, anterior, lateral, and, posterior views of complete specimen, note ap-

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pearance of fold and sulcus, % 1, holotype, I.P.A‘S. 8014.

Upper Devonian; Itate, Pohsi, Huaning District, Yunnan Province.