Sexual life in ancient Greece : with thirty-two full-page plates


Clement of Rome, St. (fl. c. AD. 96), Homilies, 4.64

Clouds, The, see ARISTOPHANES

Columella, Lucius Julius Moderatus (fl. c. AD. 50), De re rustica, 368 n.

Combabus, see WIELAND

Conon (fl. «Ist cent. B.C.), Narrationes, 225, 277, 461 n.

Contra Symmachum, see PRUDENTIUS

Controversie, see SENECA

Conviviales Queestiones, see

PiLurarcH (MoRrattia) Corianno, see PHERECRATES Cornelius Gallus (¢. 70-26 B.c.),

277 Cornutus (fl. c. AD.

Theologia Grece, 223


Courtesans, Dialogues of, see Lucian

Courtesans, Letters of, see ALCIPHRON

Crassus, see PLUTARCH (LIVES)

Crates of Mallus (2nd cent. B.c.), 258, 271 n.

Cratinus (fl. c. 455-423 B.C.), 404

Cretan History, see ACHEMENES

Creusa, see SOPHOCLES

Crinagoras (fl. c. 30 B.C.—A.D. 10),

44 Cruquius, Jacob (fl. 1550-1620), on Sappho, 327 Ctesias (fl. 5th cent. B.C.), 247, 500 Cupiditate Divitiarum, De, see Piurarcu (MoRrAtLia) Cyclops, see EURIPIDES Cyropedia, see XENOPHON

Damoxenos (? 4th cent. B.C.), 422

Danaides, see FESCHYLUS

Daphnis and Chloe, see LoNcus

De abstinentia, see PORPHYRIUS

De adulatore et amico, see PrLutarcH (Moratia)

De Agricultura, see CaTO

De Bello Gallico, see C#SAR

De Civitate Dei, see AUGUSTINE, ST.

De Generatione Animalium, see ARISTOTLE


Demagogues, On the, see IDOMENEUS

Demetrius of Phalerum (c. 345283 B.c.), Eroticus, 255

Demetrius, see PLUTARCH (LIVES)

Demochares (¢. 350-275 B.C.), 389

Demosthenes (384-322 B.C.), 59,

334, 399; Adversus Polyclem, IOI ; Erotikos, 489; In Aristocratem, 32; In Aristogitona, 448 n. ; Lacritus (Adversus -Lacritum), 168 n., Phormio, 33

De Mysteriis, see ANDOCIDES

De Natura Animalium, see FELIAN

De Natura Deorum, see CICERO

De ve rustica, see COLUMELLA

De Republica, see CICERO

De sanitate tuenda, see GALEN

Dialogues of the Dead, see LUCIAN

Dialogui Deorum, see LUCIAN

Dialogui Meretricit, see LUCIAN

Diana, Hymn to, see CALLIMACHUS

Diczarchus (3rd cent. B.C.), 401 ; Life in Hellas, 71

Didymus Chalcenterus (c. 60 B.cA.D. 10), on Sappho, 327 and n.

Diocles (fl. c. 380 B.c.), Thalatta,


Diodorus Siculus (fl. 60 B.c.), I25 n., 206, 221, 223, 224, 231, 232 N., 344, 394, 437 N., 501, 522

Diogenes Laértius (? f. A.D. 230), 15, 68, 207n., 293 0., 3140., 333, 439, 453

Dion Cassius (A.D. 150-235), 165

Dion Chrysostom (d. A.D. 115), 37, 63, 68, 209, 340 n.

Dionysiaca, 218, see also NoNNuS

Dionysius of MHalicarnassus (fi. 30-10 B.C.), 165 n.

Dionysius Periegetes (f. A.D. 280300), 85

Dioscorides, 260, 312, 485; Materia Medica, 364, 365, 368 n.

Diotimus (3rd cent. B.c.), The Struggles of Heracles, 464

Diphilus of Sinope (342-291 B.C.), I50n., 513

Divinarum LacTANTIUs

Divinatione, De, see CICERO

Duris (fl. 280 B.c.), 16, 80

Institutionum, see

Ecclesiazuse, see ARISTOPHANES Educatione Puerorunt, see PiLutarcu (MorRatia) Empedocles (5th cent. B.c.), 6 Enjoyments of Love, see PAMPHILIA Enneades, see PLOTINUS Ennius (239-170 B.C.), 90 Ephorus of Cyme (fl. c. 375-335 B.c.), History of the Greeks, 456 Epic Cycle, the, 25, 241 Epictetus (c. A.D. 60-120), 179 Epicurus (c. 340-270 B.c.), forged letters of, 293 n.
