Sexual life in ancient Greece : with thirty-two full-page plates


Heracles, The, 228, 241, 463; Theogony, 181, 182 n., 187, 189, 207, 239; Works and Days, 26, 27, 100, 176n.

Hesychius (? 5th cent. A.D.), 115, 124, 150n., 206, 224, 316n., 328n., 330, 331, 332, 334, 414N., 431, 459, 461, 515

Hieron, see XENOPHON

Hieronymus of Cardia (4th cent. BCS 71

Hieronymus of Rhodes (2nd cent. B.C.), 255

Himerius (d. 386 a.D.), 47, 302, 467

Hippocrates (460-357 B.c.), 331

Hippolochus (?), 86, 98

Hippolytus, see EURIPIDES

Hipponax of Ephesus (fl. c. 540 B.C.), 120, 243

Fitstoria Animalium, see ARISTOTLE

Homer (? roth cent. B.c.), 10, 11, 23, 84, 125, 239, 2403; incest in, 517 f.; pederasty in, 136, 449; Iliad, 450; i, 185, 228; ll, 70, 189, 419, 4433; wl, 24, 196; iv, 2143 Vv, 214; vi, 19, 23, 229 ; ix, 449 ; Xi, 202, 215 ; xiv, 6, 83, 184; xv, 185, 464; XVil, 452; Xvili, 46, 162, 185, 234, 4493 XIX, 449, 4525 Xx, 452; Xxi, 1893 XXili, 331, 449; XXiv, 70, 137, 331; Odyssey, ty 22, 23, 171, 172, 237; 240, 270; li, 245 il, 3, 24,

451; iv, 24, 25; vi, 46, 88, 100; villi, 8, ro00, 161, 166, 185 5 X, 100, 130, 417; xi, 24, 189, 210, 234, 310n., 451; XIV, 452 } XV, 4523 Xviii, 176n., 510; XXi, 228; xXXii, 510;

XXII, 24.5 XXiv, 451 Homeric Hymns, 121, 187, 189, 204, 209, 210, 214, 240, 463

Horace (65-8 B.c.), 263; on Sappho, 320; Epistule, 58, 320, 340n.; Lpodes, 369n., 434,

500; Odes, 210, 214, 228, 433 ; Satires, 263, 335, 336, 3370.


Hyacinthus, see EUPHORION

Hyginus, Gains Julius (fl. 40 B.c.), 492; Fabule, 125n., 211n., 428 ; Poetica Astronomica, 220 Nn., 221 n.

Hy perides, see STOBAUS

Hypnos, see ALEXIS

Tamblichus (2nd cent A.D.), 429; Babylonian Stories, 288

Ibycus (fl. 540 B.C.), 25, 420, 432, 470, 471

Idomeneus (fl. 260 B.c.), On the Demagogies, 397

Iliad, see HOMER

Ilias Parva, see LESCHES

In Aristogitona, see DEMOSTHENES

Instituta Laconica, see PLUTARCH (Moratta)

Inventione, De, see CICERO


Iphigenia in Aulis, see EURIPIDES

Iseus (4th cent. B.c.), 516; Pyrrhus, 56

Isocrates (436-338 B.c.), Nicocles, 60

Istrus (3rd _ cent. Stories, 70, 234

B.C.), Attic

Juvenal (c. A.D. 60-140), Satires, Vi, 335, 336, 520


Lacritus, see DEMOSTHENES

Lactantius Firmianus (¢. A.D. 260-330), 464; Divinarum Institutionum, 2200., 392

Laius, see FESCHYLUS

Lambinus, Denis (1520-72), on Sappho, 327

Lapithe, Feast of the, see Lucian

Leocrates, see Lycurcus

Leonidas (Julius) of Alexandria (1st cent. A.D.), 487

Leonidas of Tarentum (fl. c. 300-270 B.C.), 47

Lesbonax, erotic letter writer, 293

Lesches (? fl. 650 B.c.), 25; Jas Parva, 463

Leucippe and Cleitophon, see ACHILLES 'TATIUS

Lexiphanes, see LUCIAN

Libanius (A.D. 314-93), 3023 De Saltatione, 156, 161; Orationes, 278

Licymnius of Chios, (? late 4th cent. B.C.), 210, 420

Longinus (c. A.D. 213-73), on Sappho, 321 f.

Longus (fl. ? ¢. A.D. 200), 288 ; Daphnis and Chloe, i, 373 ii, I12, 225, 308n.; ili, 225

Love, Stories of Unhappy, PARTHENIUS

Lovers of Achilles, see SOPHOCLES

Lucian (c. A.D. 120-80), 157, 206, 283; Adversus Indoctum, 141, 461 n.; Amores (Erotes), 27, 86, 177, 281, 315, 316n., 406, 428n.,

