The Kingdom of serbia : report upon the atrocities committed by the Austro-Hungarian Army during the first invasion of Serbia


Zhvwoana Stanishitch, of Kosiak, fled with two children, leaving three at home. One was an infant of six weeks, one a child of one year and a half, and the third three years. The last named ran away from the house, and was taken in by neighbours. The other two died of hunger.

Maxim Mazimouvitch,assistant Judge, of Grntchani, says that 120 people are missing from the parish, which consists of five villages. A woman of 50 years of age was taken out of her house and eventually hanged. Her body was not found until a fortnight later.


, of Lozmitza, aged 48, assistant Judge, has furnished me with the following particulars : Loznitza had already suffered greatly when the Austrians passed through for the first time. After passing through for the second time they bombarded the town with fougasses.

More than 60 persons were killed at Loznitza. One woman was first wounded in the chest and then hanged. Another woman, aged 81, was riddled with 17 bayonet thrusts. Another one had her chest broken in. The Austrians demanded 30,000 francs war contribution for undertaking not to carry off hostages. The sum was handed over, but in spite of this they carried off 60 persons, including 16 who were natives of Loznitza.

Yadranska- Leshnitza Dragitch Karapandjitch, aged 53, deposes: When the Austrians came they beat Yanko Karapandjitch, aged 68, so severely with the butt-ends of their

