The Kingdom of serbia : report upon the atrocities committed by the Austro-Hungarian Army during the first invasion of Serbia


rifles that he had to take to his bed, and died of his injuries on October 13th. He begged them to spare his son Tuan, aged 22, but they killed him in spite of the entreaties of old Karapandjitch.

Mitcho Kalitch, aged 62, of Yadranska-Leshuitza, a relative of Ilia Raitch, buried the latter and noticed that his nose and ears had been cut off, and his eyes put out (according to the official list: «Jlia Raitch, nose and one ear cut off, subsequently killed”). He had fled, and found the dead body of his kinsman near Dobritch.

Milan Ivanovitch, aged 15, of Donji Dobritch. He was at home when the Austrians arrived. They asked him questions which he failed to understand, and for this they struck him with their bayonets. He received an especially severe blow on the left elbow. I examined the wound.

Dr. Milivoieviteh, Surgeon-Major, states that in his ambulance he treated a woman who had received 20 bayonet wounds, and her infant, aged six months, suffering from bayonet wound in the elbow.

Uroshia Marianovitch, aged 50. The Austrians

arrived and asked her where the Serbian Army was. Uroshia was at home with her husband. They could give them no answer. Then the soldiers took them and cut off the nose and ears of her husband, and of his brothers, and then killed both of them. This massacre was perpetrated in a maize-field. , ex-deputy for . aged 54, buried the brothers Marianovitch, and saw himself that Uroshia’s husband had no face left, and that his brother had 13 bullets in his head, and 15 bayonet wounds on his body.