The Kingdom of serbia : report upon the atrocities committed by the Austro-Hungarian Army during the first invasion of Serbia


Amitza Raitch, wife of Ilia Raitch, aged 63. Soldiers who spoke no Serbian took him into the yard, and she saw them cut off one of her husband’s ears. When the family subsequently carried away Raitch’s dead body, he had neither ears, nor eyes, Nor Nose.

Nadezhda Raitch, aged 19, corroborated the statement of her aunt Anitza.

Breziak consists of three villages, viz. : Slatina, Donja and Gormia Nedeljitza. In this district the Austrians killed 54 persons in various ways. Most of them were disembowelled with the great sabres that were carried by your prisoners; this weapon has the following dimensions :—

Width of blade, 5 em. ; thickness of the back of the blade, 07 cm. ; length of blade, 46 cm. ; total length of the sabre, 68 cm. I append the names of some of the killed, with a brief specification of their wounds :

Amitza Yezditch, aged 32, eyes put out, nose and ears cut off.

Simo Yezditch, aged 14, nose and ears cut off.

Yelka Domuitch, aged 18, nose and ears cut off.

T'zvetko Pavlovitch, eyes put out.

Krsman Kalabitch, aged 56, eyes put out, nose and ears cut off.

Smiliana Vasilievitch, aged 48, eyes put out.

Mirosava Vasilievitch, aged 21, violated by about 40 soldiers, genital organs cut off, her hair pushed down the vagina. She was finally disembowelled, but only died immediately after this being done.