The Kingdom of serbia : report upon the atrocities committed by the Austro-Hungarian Army during the first invasion of Serbia


Ljubomir Madjarevitch, aged 16, nose cut off, eyes put out.

Stanitza Shakitch, aged 24, violated several times and bayoneted.

Dragomir Shakitch, aged 85, violated several times, transpierced with a bayonet.

Stana Shakitch, aged 15, violated, several bayonet wounds.

Mileva Gaitch, aged 44, covered with wounds of various kinds.

All these atrocities were perpetrated by the Austrians on their arrival on August 3rd. No one among the civil population had fired upon the enemy, and most of the villagers had taken flight. Almost all those who remained were massacred. The bodies of Z/ivko Boitch, aged 70, and of his daughterin-law, Pelka, aged 25, and her infant, aged 4 months, were found later on. The bodies had been cut to pieces. An Austrian General Staff’ had its headquarters in Breziak. The Yadar districts lost about 800 persons in killed and missing. Still this number does not include the atrocities committed by the Austrians among the population of the two communes still occupied by the troops of Francis Joseph (October 1914).

Smilia Vasilievitch, aged 60, of Breziak, witnessed the murder of Smiliana Vasilievitch. After having killed the mother, the Austrians wanted to violate the daughter Mirosava, but as the girl defended herself, the soldiers killed her, thrusting her through and through with their bayonets. Mirosava called to Vasilievitch to come to help her, but witness