The Kingdom of serbia : report upon the atrocities committed by the Austro-Hungarian Army during the first invasion of Serbia


neither could nor dared to interfere. The injured girl died while she was being outraged.

Yovan Milovanovitch, aged 90, and the woman Vasilievitch saw the soldiers put out Mirosava’s eyes, cut off her ears, and strip off her skin.

Dr. Techeda DM. DMihailovitch, chief 2nd class physician, director of the medical service of the Combined Division, testifies that in YadranskaLeshnitza he saw the body of an old man of 60, whose eyes had been put out, and whose ears and nose had been cut off with a knife. These injuries presented the appearance of having been inflicted while the unfortunate man was yet alive.

Viadimir Minkovitch, of Ledintze, Frushka Gora, sergeant of the 4th battery of the 6th Artillery Regt. of the Reserve, an Austrian who came over to the Serbian camp, deposed and signed the following declaration :

On August 4th we camped on the high road on the left bank of the Korenitza Reka (river). Near by we found the dead bodies of a woman and three - quite young girls. All the men of our company including the Commanding Officer saw the victims. All were horror-struck at the sight, including the Commanding Officer Zharko Varbaski (Memorandum of the General Staff of the Army of the Drina, Yarebitze, signed by Minkovitch).

The town of Yarebitze (pop. 2,115)

, assistant Judge, and , Police-Superintendent, both of ¥arebiize, declare that 25 persons of the population have been killed, and 10 are missing, 17 were pinioned and taken away to Krivaitza,