The Kingdom of serbia : report upon the atrocities committed by the Austro-Hungarian Army during the first invasion of Serbia


Txoetan Markovitch, aged 80, was bayoneted, his body being pierced many times, after which the soldiers set his barn on fire, and threw the corpse into the flames. The comitadji volunteers had passed through Kostainik on their retreat from the Drina. The Austrians probably thought that the villagers were concealing them. The women were

outraged. , Kostainik, saw six soldiers violate one

woman in a maize-field. These six soldiers were telephonists (engineers ?). Most of the victims were killed near their houses. Dragoslav, the 17year-old son of the clerk Grouitchitch, was killed. He was carried off with 15 others and all were massacred at Korenitza. Two peasants at Kostainik were hanged at Krupanj. On their return to Kostainik the Austrians again killed several inhabitants. The first invasion took place on August 3rd (old style), the second on August 30th, but at the time of the last incursion all those who were able, took to flight. Alexia G aitch, who was in an advanced state of pregnancy, was first pierced through and through with a bayonet and then killed. Eight women were massacred.

In Brezovnitza, 28 persons are dead or missing. The fate of eight of them is unknown, the others were bayoneted.

Parish of Drina. Nine persons killed, 11 missing.

Parish of Tolisavatz. 42 killed and missing. The victims were massacred in different ways, hanged, run through with bayonets, sabred, burnt alive, ete.