The Kingdom of serbia : report upon the atrocities committed by the Austro-Hungarian Army during the first invasion of Serbia


Parish of Banjevatz. Svetozar Markouvitch, aged 38, Deputy-Mayor of Banjevatz, declares that 55 persons were killed or are missing. Several persons are wounded.

Parish of Bela Tzrkoa. The Austrians perpetrated numerous massacres in this commune. The following are the names of some of their victims: —

Petar Panitch, aged 80, was bayoneted to death in front of his house, after having given up all he possessed without offering any resistance.

Zlivko Arsenovitch, aged 80, was likewise massacred beside his own house.

Milan, Spasoie, Simeon and Ljubomir Djurgievitch were bayoneted to death and mutilated with knives, after the soldiers had robbed them of everything.

Bogosav Meditch, aged 60, was killed and mutilated. Ilia Markovitch, aged 60, wounded and then killed beside his own house.

The woman, Dobria Vasilitch, was killed in her own house.

The child of Milorad Djurgievitch, aged 2 years, was killed in his house; the other children were wounded.

Ljubomir Vasitch was clubbed to death. In addition to these persons killed, two persons were carried off and killed at Kostainik, viz. Stevan Djurgievitch, aged 50, and Dragutin Krstitch. They were also completely mutilated.

Several young men moreover were carried off -

and have not been heard of since. Their number includes :