The Kingdom of serbia : report upon the atrocities committed by the Austro-Hungarian Army during the first invasion of Serbia


her, but the soldiers forced her and violated her. Yovanovitch witnessed this scene from his hidingplace in a thicket.

Draghitch Pantitch,aged 42, saw Yevrosima Guaitch run through with a bayonet after his nose and ears had been cut off and his wrists broken. The scene took place before his house. His nephew, Radoie Glitch, aged 20, was shot and his house demolished.

Ljubomir Brankovitch, aged 35, absolutely corroborates the evidence of Draghitch Pantitch, and so do Sveto Saritch, aged 55, Svetozar Biserovitch, aged 39, and Milan Milovanovitch, aged 30.

Donia Bukovitza

Tzvetko Yeuvitch, aged 56, saw Kosta Maditch, aged 60, burnt on a hay-cock. He could not say whether Maditch was dead already when he was thrown into the flames. Jevitch maintains that the body of Kosta Maditch was spitted and roasted.

Savo Stanoievitch declares that he heard from the family of Kosta Maditch that four persons were burnt in all, viz.: Zkivoin Milovanovitch, aged 45, Ilia Gavrilovitch, aged about 45, and his son, Voyslav, aged 18, and Kosta Maditch, who were said to have been spitted. There were five persons killed in the house of Stanko Petrouvitch.

Maxim Ristitch, aged 60. He saw three soldiers trying to impale Raia Nikoltch, aged 60. They had a long wooden spit. Raia shrieked. An officer came upon the scene, and this prevented the Austrians from carrying out their intention. Nikolitch, who is deaf, was then taken away for 24 hours. Ristitch also saw the four charred corpses of Milo-