The Kingdom of serbia : report upon the atrocities committed by the Austro-Hungarian Army during the first invasion of Serbia


vanovitch, Ilha and Voyslav Gavrilovitch, and of Kosta Maditch (see the preceding deposition). He also saw another corpse with its throat cut and the face mutilated.

The Austrians took the women to their camp and kept them there for three days. They were violated there. There were little girls of twelve and thirteen among them.

Stanoie Stanoieviteh, aged 47, deposes that many women of Donia Bukovitza were taken for 24 hours to the Austrian camp and violated there.

Donje Koshlje

Milan Gijorgjevitch, aged 50, saw the bodies of 4 persons who had been killed, viz., Pavle Lukitch, aged 55, Guozden Yeuvtchitch, aged 60, Radosav Yevtchitch, aged 50, and Krsman Yosipovitch, aged 55. The bodies lay beside the houses of the victims. Radosav had his throat cut, Gvozden was burnt. Four other persons moreover had been shot, including the woman Luwia Damianovitch. Luia, who was only wounded, pretended to be dead, and escaped as soon as the Austrians had gone. Gjorgjevitch had heard that women had been violated. Thus, for instance, in the village of Banjevatz 40 women were said to have been outraged by the soldiery of Francis Joseph, and each woman about 14 times. The soldiers were of Hungarian nationality.

In Uzovmitza Dragutin Muratovitch, aged 46. When the Austrians came for the second time, as he was coming home from the mill he heard rifle shots