The Kingdom of serbia : report upon the atrocities committed by the Austro-Hungarian Army during the first invasion of Serbia


being fired beside his house. He went away and hid with friends at the far side of the village. Returning to his house next day he found his daughter Smiljana, aged 18, killed by a shot through the eyes, and with her skull crushed in. She had died instantaneously. His wife, Anka, aged 38, was wounded in the occiput by an Austrian bullet. (I verified the wound.) Everywhere in the village he came upon the bodies of slaughtered people.

Anka Muratovitch states that she was quietly at home in her house when the Austrians came. The soldiers opened the door of the room, fired, and went. The children were asleep in their bed and covered in with bedclothes, so that the soldiers did not see them. This scene occurred at 2 o'clock in the morning.

In Likodra

Draghi Beganovitch, aged 25, of Likodra, saw three peasants brought by the Austrians to within a few hundred metres of his house in Krasava. The soldiers laid the men down beside the hay-cock and then prodded them with their bayonets, turning the weapon round and round in the wound. The victims were men aged about 40. With these three peasants there was also a pregnant woman, who was violated and then killed in the presence of Beganovitch.

I have also received the deposition of Captain Boyovitch, who corroborates a certain number of the cases described in this report, such as the massacre of the 109 victims of Leshnitza, the murders of Zavlaka, ete. His deposition also deals with