The Kingdom of serbia : report upon the atrocities committed by the Austro-Hungarian Army during the first invasion of Serbia


the massacre of 17 persons in Krivaia, by the Austrian Major Balzarek, of which massacre an official report was drawn up by an international commission, which report is in your hands at this moment. Captain Boyovitch also reports the following circumstances: “On August 8th, at 10 o’clock in the evening, Dr. P., Austrian Army Surgeon, of Serb nationality, arrived at the headquarters of the Third Army, and stated that before crossing the frontier the Croat officers had addressed their troops in the following fashion :

“You must not allow anything to live, not “even the child in its mother’s womb. But “ you must not spend your cartridges on killing “these people. As every body has two holes, “let your bayonets go in at the one and out ““ at the other.”

I refrain from reproducing the deposition of Captain Boyovitch in full, as it contains asseverations which strike me as being exaggerated. These are in reference to certain cases which did not come under his personal observation, but which were reported to him by others, who were doubtless inclined to exaggerations by the emotions roused by the sights they had seen.

Deposition made by Dr. Bashitch, of the Ist Cavalry Regiment :—

The wounded were found in the school at Tzulkovitch. They had all been taken to this house and had their wounds dressed there. The wounded men stated that, in Dobritch the Austrians com-
