The Kingdom of serbia : report upon the atrocities committed by the Austro-Hungarian Army during the first invasion of Serbia


pelled the women, children, and old men to go into a cellar. At each side of the door, to the right and left, stood an Austrian soldier with fixed bayonet. Each person in passing received a bayonet thrust from either side. Almost all were wounded in this way, and most of the victims were wounded In several places. Those who were thin and active had escaped more serious hurts, but the old men and children were cruelly cut about. This happened on August 6th (old style). On August 7th the wounds were attended to.

When Dr. Bashitch arrived, 2 children of 11 and 9 years of age were at the point of death. Both were suffering from injuries in the abdomen which had brought on acute peritonitis. Dr. Bashitch immediately performed a laparotomy, but the children died in spite of his efforts.

Vidosava Pavla Raitchitch, aged 12, is the only victim of a revolver wound. She received it from an Austrian cavalry soldier (a dragoon). She is the only survivor of a whole family which was shot by the Austrians.

Vidosava, daughter of Pavle Raitchitch, of Tzulkovatz, aged 12, slight bullet wound in the right shoulder.

Gospava, wife of Trifun Lovtcheviteh, of Dobritch, aged 55, two bayonet wounds, one in the back, and one near the left breast.

Gospava, daughter of Yovan Tovitovitch, of Tzulkovatz, aged 7 years, superficial bayonet wound in the chest.

Dobrivoie, son of Voyslav Adamovitch, of Dobritch aged 81, superficial bayonet wound in the back.